Clam in the sand blowing everything everywhere!!!!!!!

Clown Trigger

New member
Just got myself a nice blue maxima.
I have him sitting in the sand.
Unfortunately he keeps opening and slamming his mouth shut and he's blowing the sand all over the place.
He's actually clearing out all the sand around him.
Any reason why?
Is this normal?
T. Maxima and T. Crocea like to bore in the ground.

What kind of lighting do you have? Maxima like intense lighting.

Just angle the outlet siphon up and away fromt the sand. Also make sure there is no air bubble(s) trapped in the clam.
You may want to watch him closely. If the sand is to fine the clam may have inhale some and now he cannot filter feed, he is clogged. If this is the case you need to get him off the sand. And see if you can get some of the sand out!
Ok to answer the first question, I have 5 x 110 watt vho's over the tank (3 actinic whites and 2 super actinics). It's a 90 gallon tank. Probably will be upgraded to 2 x 250 halides with vho soon. Keeping stonies in the tank without a problem at this time.

Anyway, my substrate consists of a mixture of some southdown, carib sea special grade and one of those 20lb bags of live sand that you can buy in any lfs. Total depth is like 1".
When I brought the clam home, I pressed it in the sand just enough to hold it in place. It was fine. Two days later is when this nonsense started. Now he is opening and slamming his mouth shut and it blows all the sand around him all over the place.
How do I know if it has ingested sand?
Don't most people keep theirs in the sand?
I have small flat pcs of rock slightly buried in the sand so that they can attach to not to mention minimize your sand storm