Clam question


I finally got my first clam, a small crocea. Its only day 2 and while I have read up on the care of them I have a question about behaviour. My quesion is, is it normal for the clam to move about the sand? When I placed it in the sand poked a little hole and set it in. I found one of the larger turbos had knocked around, so I repositioned it. Again today I found another turbo in close proximity but before I get into a turf war, could the clam just be moving itself around? Also, I hope the oval hole in its mantle is supposed to be there, otherwise it may be a short stay for clam-boy.

The crocea is a rock clam, so it will do best in the rockwork. If it has a hole in it's mantle, that is not good, but if it is healthy it will recover shortly. I poked a hole in the mantle of my derasa and it healed in a few weeks.
Also, to answer your original question: Yes, clams do move around until they find a suitable spot.
The lil freak attached itself to a rock in the sand before I could move it. I don't want to 'coax' it for fear of injury. Does the anemone ice trick work on clams? If not, it looks like it will be a sand dwelling crocea.

The ice trick will probably not work. I have moved my clams many times by just cutting the byssal threads as close to the rock as possible. Another trick is to let them attach to a small piece of rock under the sand and then just move the rock to where you want the clam to be.