clams w/ VHO light


Premium Member
I want to be able to keep some clams in my new tank(not setup yet) The tank is a Oceanic 105g 60"L x 18"W x 24" Tall. I will have a 4-6" DSB so that should bring the depth to the sand bed to 18-20".
I have 2 IceCap 660's and was thinking of using 6 60"140w URI VHO bulbs which would give a total of 840w....... If I can cram another bulb or two I will (whick would then put the wattage over 1000w) So what do ya guys think????
well after thinking about it for a while I think that I will just "bite the bullet" and have MH (2 150wHQI's) along with the VHO's.