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Assuming the clam has all the lighting it can get in the home aquarium, which clams (out of t. crocea, maxima, squamosa, derasa, gigas and hippopus hippopus) will gain from being fed phtyoplankon, and of the ones which benefit, which ones benefit the most (are the most dependant on supplemental feedings)? Also, which foods will they feed on, of course live phytoplankon and cryopastes will work, but what about golden pearls, spray dried phtyo, and zooplankton.

It's my understanding that any clam will benefit from feeding with the proper-sized plankton. There is some argument in regard to whether feeding with plankton is absolutely necessary for captive clams.

I have no experience with either of these items. I have only used DT's.

I think that any product that releases a viable planktonic food into the water column would work to some degree or other.
How can I tell if the clam is feeding? Because when I add GP and spray dried phyto the clam normally closes up about halfway (I dont target feed the clam I just add the food to the water).

I'm not sure it's possible to tell directly if the clam is feeding. If the clam is closing up when you add the plankton, it might be because the plankyon is too big for the clam (the finest plantkton is necessary if you want to feed the clam), or you might be shadowing the clam when you add plankton to the tank.

I do not add plankton of any sort to my tank anymore (lazy and broke), and I have little experience in doing so. Hopefully someone else can answer this one more fully for you. Also, it might be a good idea to consult Knop's book on clams, in which he goes into great detail about supplementing with plankton, I think.
Well later this week I am starting to grow some live phyto, and ill see what happens when I feed live phyto compared to when I feed GP/spray dried phyto.

I feed "Tahitian Blend" cryopaste and the 60-100 micron golden pearls. My clams never close up when I feed this stuff. A friend feeds the same stuff and his clams grow like crazy. I also have had good growth. My maxima is now putting on a second row of cutes after about 2 3/4 months and my derasa has grown about 3/4 inch in about 2 months.
