Classic Tubbs Blue, is this normal growth?


New member
Here is a single Tubbs Blue Zoo polyp back in January 30, 2012

Its grown to 4 full size polyps and two babies that are under the others (cant see in the picture) This picture was taken on 3-18-2013
Sorry for the quality of the pictures, they were with my iphone.

Is this "normal" growth for 13 months?

Thanks for some feedback from some Zoo sages.

Like some znps grow like faster than others so I wouldn't like necessarily characterize that as like horrible growth.

OP, have you had any other corals in there over the same time period? Has the growth been steady ie. 1 polyp every few month or does it come in bursts? Need more info...they could probably be growing faster.

Also, starting at one polyp, it's going to be slow going at the beginning...
Also, starting at one polyp, it's going to be slow going at the beginning...

Exactly... starting with one polyp of any zoa or paly puts you at a disadvantage. As you have more polyps, your growth should increase exponentially. In addition, due to the number of factors that affect growth, you really shouldn't compare your growth rate to someone else. I really don't think there is a "normal".
Thank you for the feedback everyone

either way even starting with only 1 polyp, i would say only 5 new in 13 months is horrible. how do your other z and p grow?

Most of my other Z&P's purple deaths, watermelon, green latern, and orange sunburst have gone from 10-20 to about 100. Purple hornets doubled

Blue hornets, darth mauls, and candy apples negative growth

Its very strange why some do so well and others do not. I have tried moving them for flow and light
IME with Tubbs blues, they take a little while to get going. They're initially slow growers but once they get used to your tank conditions and start growing they can't be stopped. It's the most fragged colony in my collection.
I've had tubbs in my tank for the past month and I'm starting to view them as almost a nuisance as far as their growth rate... they're growing even faster than my rastas!