cleaner food


New member
what do you guys feed cleaner shrimp when they aren't eating off of fish...i have mine seperated right now until i can deal with a territorial tang...i have fed him flake food...but i was wondering how much to feed and how often. thanks a lot, Ryan.
My cleaner will seriously eat ANYTHING i put near his face. He is always hungry. My cleaner has a sort of personality, and he's kind of outgoing. He likes to go on my hand when i put my hand in the tank, and even when my hand is on the other side of the tank, he'll scuttle over to my hand to see if there is any food.

So try to put some sort of frozen or dry food, doesnt matter, in between your fingers and put it near the cleaner. It will not be able to resist, and it will scuttle over to your hand and start picking everywhere trying to find food. Dont worry if it bites, it doesnt hurt that much, just a little poke. This hand tecnique will make your shrimp less shy, i think...try it, and let me know how it turns out
I fed mine every day, and they got pretty large. I'm sure they liked it. In many tanks, they can subsist by eating leftovers and copepods, amphipods, etc. It's really a personal choice, and depends on the tank, too.
I spot feed mine every other day or so, usually things like Hikari 'Crab Cuisine' pellets, mysis, plankton, pellets etc. I try to stuff him with food just before spot feeding the corals, it keeps his marauding little claws busy ;)
I never intentionally feed mine. He gets his when the fish eat, he always manages to. And if that isn't enough, I've actually seen my shrimp eat my tang's crap.
I've never spot fed my shrimp. They have no problem getting their share of brine.
And they're always cleaning my fish or picking off the rock.
They look pretty fat and happy!