closed loop or not to closed loop


New member
I just bough a used 325g 84x30x30 acrylic rr tank. I'm not sure if I wanna look at powerheads hanging in the tank. So im trying to decide of I should go closed loop? I have 2 barracuda pumps so the pumps are not my concern. However I was looking into some dc pumps instead since they are more economic to run. So im looking for some input as to what you prefer. And how do you regulate your flow? 3 way valve?
I am also trying to figure out if I do go closed loop where to drill the holes and how many to drill? Thanks for the help
I'll chime in with my experience. I built my tank in 2013 with a closed loop. Two 2" inlets go into a manifold that feeds three 240W DC pumps, each has a 1.5" inlet. Each pump is rated at 5000 gph. Two of the pumps each feed three separate 1" outlets drilled through the bottom of the tank (6 total outlets) and the third pump feeds a 1.5" sea swirl mounted on the top of the tank on the opposite end from the overflow and CL inlet. The pumps are all controlled by an Apex. I am very happy with the set up so far. Tons of flow, low noise, controllable and so far no maintenance issues. Each outlet has a true union ball valve allowing me to take the entire pipe system out for cleaning if necessary, but until there is a noticeable reduction in flow rate, I won't bother. I only run the pumps between 25% and 70% so there is plenty of headroom. The pumps can be easily removed for servicing or replacement. I've had them apart twice since the original install and each time they were nice and clean.