Closed loop plumbing alternative


Premium Member
Is anyone out there with a two overflow tank using one of the overflows to run a closed loop? I have been thinking about doing this with my 180 and run one overflow to the sump and back with the return pump being a sequence dart. And use the other oveflow to run a Closed loop.

I am thinking this way as drilling a glass tank makes me nervous and I want to try an internalize as much of the plumbing to inside the tank and stand as possible.
I believe you will have problems with two overflows. The return is what regulates the overflow. You can do a close loop with out a secnd overflow.
I know that I can do a closed loop witout a second overflow, I was just thinking that I could use the hole in the bottom of the overflow that I was origionally going to use to plumb a return line from the sump as the return line from a closed loop pump, and locate the pump under the tank in the stand.
I just reread my last two posts and I think I may be confusing people. Essentially my 180 has two overflows each with two holes in the bottom of the overflow. One is a 1.5 inch bulkhead for a drain to the sump, the other is a 1 inch bulkhead for a return line to the tank from the sump.

What I am thinking of doing is using both 1.5 inch bulkheads in both overflows for drains to the sump. Using one 1 inch bulkhead in one overflow for a return from the sump. And use the remaining 1 inch bulkhead in the other overflow as the return line from a closed loop pump that will be located under the tank in the stand. The input for the closed loop will be plumbed up and over the back of the tank and through the back of the tank to the pump.
If you are already coming over the back of your tank with the closed loop input, why not bring the returns over the back as well. If you want decent return from the sump on a 180, you'll most likely want more than just a 1" return...
As far as the returns being 1 inch, those are set already as I bought the tank from another hobbiest. After running a head loss calc using my current plumbing plans and the sequence dart I have, flow should be somewhere between 1600 - 2200 gph from the sump. Since I plan on using a refugium in the sump, this flow rate will probably be a little high so i have already made some plumbing mods in case I have to dial back the flow.

As far as plumbing over the back of the tank, I want to use an oceansmotions 4 way in the closed loop plumbing. When fully assembled the way I want the assembly measures almost 9 inches. This means I have to set the tank about 9 inches out from the wall where I want to locate the tank. This is more than I want at at the moment. If I use the bulkhead in the overflow, I can loacte the 4way at the top of the overflow which gains me about 6 inches and means the tank only hase to sit out from the wall about 3 inches which is plenty to accomidate 1.5 - 2 inch PVC to plumb the intake of the closed loop pump.