Closed Loop Pump needed

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
On my 120, I run a Coralife Turbo Sea 1090 as a recirc pump into a two-way Ocean's Motion for a closed loop system. (I'm pretty much at the pressure limit of what the Ocean's Motions can tolerate.)

Well, after (only) a year and a half in operation, it puked the impeller and now I need to replace it. (I blame the baby snails, who got through the finger strainer!)

I was strongly thinking about swapping out the (1" in & out) Coralife 1090, in favor of a (3/4" in & out) GenX PCX-40, but I'll have to mod the fittings. It's not that big a deal, I just need to buy more union ball valves and some pvc fittings.

I currently run a Gen-X PCX30 as the main pump, but I can't find any data on the dB (decibel) noise ratings.

What do folks like, and why?

Compare and contrast: :reading:
Coralife Turbo Sea 1090 vs. Gen-X PCX40

(If I have the PCX40, I'll have a spare, should my main pump ever fail. And us aviation guys, like having back-up systems as built-in contingency plans!)

Talk amoungst yourselves.....

Also, before I buy New, does anybody (local) have a spare Coralife 1090 or Gen-X PCX40 to sell? Or the Impeller itself? (I need to the get the sytem flowing again.)
I'm in the market for a CL pump myself. I'm thinking about getting a Sequence Dart. Their claim to fame (as far as i know) is their impressive flow at reduced watt consumption. Like you, i'm up for suggestions and recomendations.
As far as quiet pumps go, Velocity pumps are dead silent. I've used Velocity T4 pumps for years. My first experience with one lead to my continued support for them. I ordered it from ReefGeek and plugged it in upon arrival (I know, never run a pump dry) and plugged it in to make sure it worked before i plumbed it into my system. well, i set it on the counter and plugged it in and nothing. I was SO PEEVED! I grabbed the motor and felt it vibrating. It was running like a top and the only way to tell it was working was to touch it! Great pumps. Unfortunately they dump a lot of heat into your system. so, in summary: Velocity T4, 1200GPH, dead silent, runs hot.