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I wanted to breed clowns. I have prepared everything for them except I was not able to get live rotifers in Central Europe due to the coronavirus.
8 days ago about 200 frys were born. I knew according to the experts that without rotifers I could not raise them. I figured I would try everything I had at home. For some reason about 30 of them are still alive and doing well. It has been only 8 days and I understand that they might not survive metamorphosis.
Here is what I have been putting into the tank for the last week:
1. frozen rotifers
2. live brine shrimp fortified with phytoplankton concentrate
3. TDO chroma boost
4. ROTI-green Omega concentrate
Why are they still alive?
Which of the above has done the trick?
Will they survive to adulthood?
8 days ago about 200 frys were born. I knew according to the experts that without rotifers I could not raise them. I figured I would try everything I had at home. For some reason about 30 of them are still alive and doing well. It has been only 8 days and I understand that they might not survive metamorphosis.
Here is what I have been putting into the tank for the last week:
1. frozen rotifers
2. live brine shrimp fortified with phytoplankton concentrate
3. TDO chroma boost
4. ROTI-green Omega concentrate
Why are they still alive?
Which of the above has done the trick?
Will they survive to adulthood?