Clown & Bubble Coral

Steph Ed

New member
I'm has this scenario played out in your experiences? My new little 1" clown (ocellaris) has taken an interest in my bubble coral. If anyone had this turn out ok? Badly.....if so, what happened? My 55 gal will be ready in a couple of weeks, will my bubble coral be able to hang on long enough until I can separate the two?
Bubbles absolutely hate to be touched, moved, blown upon. I wold hope that little affair ends soon.

I have have our bubble corals. I sold the first one like an idiot, killed two by constantly moving it around. The bubble I have now hasn't been touched since I introduced it to my tank. It has been three months and it is doing well.
I have a bubble colony that have 7 large heads and until I put my rose bubble tip in my tank
My maroon clowns hosted in it I saw no size difference before, during or after the hosting.
But 2 days after my RBT went in the tank my clowns found it and never left its side lol
This is just my personal exp.
My clown hosted (was hosted by) my bubble coral forever, then I added the frogspawn and he moved into it and is still there. I didn't notice any negative effects on either when hosting the clown( a smaller ocellaris).
I had a tomato clown that thought everything belonged to her. The fuzzy mushrooms hosted her, the frogspawn hosted her (not entirely happily), rbta, xenia, and my bubble coral. The bubbled corral and clown were there first and had the longest affair...everything that was added after got some clown lovin but she always slept in the bubble coral. When I got the rbta, she finally took up permanent residence but would stop visit everything once in a while.

The moral of the bubble coral didn't care about the clown. And my bubble was extremely hardy. I popped it...several times (by accident) and he was always okay.
My BC is very established. I expect it will be able to withstand some physical contact. Although, azure damsel is curious now. I've seen her take a couple of dips in the bubbles (when clown isn't looking).