Clown Fairy Wrasse


New member
Just saw a gorgeous Clown Fairy Wrasse at House of Fins...also I checked out Deep Reef on 57th and Flagler, the big shipment expected today was cancelled and is due in on Monday. They had gorgeous Sohal Tangs for DIRT CHEAP!!!

PM me if you want details, but lets say I went to another popular bird road store and they were twice the price!
thats a ruby head or solar wrasse. and 100 $ is way to much for one of thos. I live in tn and we get them for 59$
That may be true about the sohal tangs but he is on some major drugs for the indo harlequin tusk he had.. 210 dollars for a 5" tusk is hardly a GREAT DEAL. the aussie show sized run around thT price.

I did love the hawaaian dragon eel though! and that was a great price for 700.
Get over at this side of Florida and the LFS has Clown Wrasse for $35.00, had him for a month and it's doing great.
HOF usually does have a nice selection of fish at good prices. They have a ok coral selection w/ a pretty good find here and their. Overall it is a nice store. The staff is really helpful as well.

I think that the wrasse is really expensive, you can get those at other stores for 32 bucks like the others said.
i'm not buying him...just thought it was a gorgeous looking fish...i'm picking up three lyretail anthias from along with bernie and rawbomb.

will probably look at a powder brown or hippo tang as well
You can get a Solarensis at the flagler store for 18 when they have then but really as an adult thier colors are dull and they are pretty aggressive with other wrasses so it should be the last one in.