Clown fish


New member
I have a 46 gallong bowfront reef system. Lots of soft corals all doing well, growing etc.

For fish I have 2 Ocellaris clownfish, and a Chalk Bass.

Had a damsel but sort of rolled the dice and lost on that one because it killed a gramma I introduced. The damsel problem has been rectified.

The Chalk is fine but unfortunately usually hides and comes out to eat and then returns to its cave.

The clowns as clowns go are always out front.

I would like another colorful fish that simply is always swimming around the tank out front to be seen.

Was thinking of two more clown fish but not sure how that might work out?
Green chromis are very cool ,you can have a small school of them in there I think .

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Thank you for the reply, I've considered those, as well as two Kupang Damsels for their color. LFS guy said if I put damsels in last they would be less likely to be aggressive and dangerous towards other fish.
yeah I wouldn't put the damsels in they would probably bully the clownfish

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I tried a Gramma, actually two had horrible luck. Basically the first one was killed by the Damsel, should have been smarter than that, but live and learn.

Then removed the Damsel. The LFS replaced the gramma, and like the other he just hid for three days, finally he was always in this small hiding place wedged in it. Fourth day I see the Emerald Crab dragging out his carcass? My guess is it got wedged so tight it died. Didn't realize most of those just hid all the time either. I want something always out front and swimming and being seen. Tired of fish that hide except for food.
Thanks for the suggestion Vinny, personally I don't like those but they may be my option. Not colorful for what I want in the tank and since I'm down to just two more fish I assume in there gotta be bit more selective.
Orchid Dottyback, McCoskers Wrasse, Carpenter Wrasse, Bicolour Blennie are all colourful fish that would suit I think.

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I will be getting a Dwarf Angel today and a large piece of Ricordia in exchange for a large male Frontosa I have to trade in. Sounds like a great deal to me....