clown question

I am not sure Can agree with the thinking on clowns and natural hosts. I've had ocellaris. Darwins, Percs clowns use, BTA, LTA, Frogspawn, Hammers, heaters and corners as hosts. Even had a pair in an pink tip after I was assured, not possible. The only one which never took was the clarkii, wanted only a carpet.....NOT in my DT.......quite viscous those Nems,,

Hopefully that good size is about the size of a silver dollar

In the confines of the glass box, anything is possible in time.
I am not sure Can agree with the thinking on clowns and natural hosts. I've had ocellaris. Darwins, Percs clowns use, BTA, LTA, Frogspawn, Hammers, heaters and corners as hosts. Even had a pair in an pink tip after I was assured, not possible. The only one which never took was the clarkii, wanted only a carpet.....NOT in my DT.......quite viscous those Nems,,

Hopefully that good size is about the size of a silver dollar

In the confines of the glass box, anything is possible in time.

I'm certainly not saying impossible, in fact usually it still happens over time, but if not a natural host it can take a long time.

There have been tons of posts here and nem forum, why does my clown not accept my BTA host, this is by far most typical.

Occs and percs are not found in BTA's in the wild.

Now those same people who's occs or percs never took to their BTA's, given a natural host like a mag, hosting happens immediately usually.

This is by far the most common post we see for those of us that frequent the clown anemone forum, and why most of us long time clown keepers are trying to inform others.

For many years it was thought impossible to keep certain host anemone's, now we have been using cipro to treat the typical bacterial infections those nems often come w/, so now that we are keeping these nems, the difference in response is pretty obvious.

This is mainly for occs/percs matched to BTA's, other clowns like maroon and clarki usually take anything given.

Of course like many things there are exceptions to rules, but I usually advise based on most common outcome, not the exceptions
Going against the flow here (mind the terrible pun)... But I've had success with more than one pair of clowns. I've had 2 clowns since the tank was started and added another two a couple of months ago - they all get on fine.

3 of them regularly share the same anemone of a night time...
Going against the flow here (mind the terrible pun)... But I've had success with more than one pair of clowns. I've had 2 clowns since the tank was started and added another two a couple of months ago - they all get on fine.

3 of them regularly share the same anemone of a night time...

Well, please come back to us after they have matured and spawned and what happens then.

Couple months is nothing, I'm advising on most probable outcome and long term success.

People are often quick to give comments like yours, not so quick to tell what happens later unfortunately...and this is how so many are misinformed on this subject.

I have 33 years of keeping and focusing mainly on sea anemone's and a lot of observation I'm just trying to share to help others succeed.

While there may be the occasional exception to rules, this is by far and large the most probable outcome.
Going against the flow here (mind the terrible pun)... But I've had success with more than one pair of clowns. I've had 2 clowns since the tank was started and added another two a couple of months ago - they all get on fine.

3 of them regularly share the same anemone of a night time...

How long has your tank been set up? What size is it? What type(s) of clowns?

Coming up to a year now. The tank is 400 litres / 100 gallons.

The original 2 were Snowflakes, they were captive bred and so stayed away from any of the corals and most nights slept in the top corner of the tank. My girlfriend really wanted them to host something, so I found 2 wild caught run-of-the-mill oscellaris and put them in.

Within 24 hours the pecking order was established and all 4 clowns were hosting corals... Now the original larger snowflake has taken control of one of the RBA while the other 3 either sleep in the other or in the elegance / Alveopora.
At about a year and a half to 2 years of age is usually when clowns mature and begin to spawn under normal, healthy conditions.

That's usually when things will make a dramatic change when it comes to sharing space w/ other clowns, unless they were all juvies from same clutch.