Clown tang diagnosis


New member
Today, i acquired a juvenile clown tang that looked very healthy upon first inspection. He's got some weight to him, keeps mouth closed (not gaping), is actively feeding on substrate and nori, and has brilliant unflawed colors along with steady not fast breathing.
The only thing is i got him home and into qt, when i noticed some flashing against the all plastic deco. I started to dose Mardel's coppersafe while in qt at recommended dosage. My question is do you think this is the beginnings of ich or gill parasites? Also, is there any preventative measures that you think i should take. Can you suggest a dosage for the coppersafe?
Next, how do you guys feel about coppersafe? Is it a reliable, effective way to add copper to the water? Is there something better i should be using? Also, how long of a treatment should i take for prevention.
The fish is eating nori already in the qt and looks healthy otherwise
Also, is their a different approach/treatment i should be taking/doing?

Responses are greatly appreciated

Flashing as in what? hitting the decorations, scratching etc?

Clown tangs are known to be aggressive.

Coppersafe it works, but you need to know how to use it properly otherwise you just kill the fish.
Yes i mean scratchintg against the deco in the quarantine tank.

How do you use it properly? Follow the directions, most of the time following the directions is two weak a dose any guidelines that would help me use coppersafe properly, Any specific test kit to use to test for the copper, my copper test kit will not read any Cu in the water.
