New member
I purchased 4 very young small clownfish about a month and a half ago. In the last few weeks one of them has grown about double the size of the other three. He has been bullying one of the smallest ones and I found him/her in a corner all pale, fins chewed up. I put her in a mesh breeding cube until she recovered and then put her back in with the others this week. All was well the first few days but yesterday she is pale and being chased constantly again. I got the bully and put him in the mesh this time but now one of the other 3 are chasing him/her. Is this normal behavior & she will somehow make it or something else? I don't want to disrupt the natural order of things but I also cannot stand back and let them die.
So frustrating! We got 4 young ones so they could pair up and would hopefully not be aggressive if they grew up together. Clearly that didn't work.
FYI - 30 gallon tank. Perimeters are all good, checked at lfs regularly & with my own strips. I have soft corals a Pajama & Cardinal fish and a cleaner shrimp, brittlestar, emerald crab & snails. The tank is over a year old, well established and has been doing great for the entire year.
So frustrating! We got 4 young ones so they could pair up and would hopefully not be aggressive if they grew up together. Clearly that didn't work.
FYI - 30 gallon tank. Perimeters are all good, checked at lfs regularly & with my own strips. I have soft corals a Pajama & Cardinal fish and a cleaner shrimp, brittlestar, emerald crab & snails. The tank is over a year old, well established and has been doing great for the entire year.