Not sure if my black ocellaris is dying, but need some advice. Just noticed it lying on the bottom on its side, labored breathing, fins shredded on the tips.
Here's the backstory, in addition to a photo.
Tank is about 6+ months old. Have a cleanup crew consisting of a skunk cleaner, a dozen dwarf blue-legs, and a couple turbos. Also have 2-3 softies, and one newly added acans.
Only other fish in the tank is a larger orange ocellaris, which has recently gotten a lot bigger and also taken up residence in my long tentacle.
The larger ocellaris is a bit of a jerk, but was nice to the small black one for the 6 weeks they've been together, and then a little cold toward him when she took up in the LTA a week ago, and now today seems to have abused him to the point of death? In one day?
I've moved him to a makeshift breeder net/basket/fuge in my sump to isolate him and let him rest. When disturbed, he swims, but struggles, and then returns to lying on the bottom and breathing rapidly.
While breathing is worse now, he's always breathed rapidly with pretty severely flared gills and a somewhat misshapen mouth. He came that way from LFS, and I didn't know any better than to ask for a different one. Guess I'm saying he wasn't always the healthiest?
Is this guy a goner? If yes or if no, what are the recommended next steps/where do I go from here? Thanks. Bummed out that the LFS sold me a possibly unhealthy $35 fish. I've since gone back and seen other unhealthy-looking stock and nems. Won't be shopping there again, but I feel bad for this guy.
Water params are all fine. I test and have LFS confirm. Tested today. All is well, including salinity, temp, phospate, nitrate, alk, calc, magnesium, etc.
Any input is always valued.
Not sure if my black ocellaris is dying, but need some advice. Just noticed it lying on the bottom on its side, labored breathing, fins shredded on the tips.
Here's the backstory, in addition to a photo.
Tank is about 6+ months old. Have a cleanup crew consisting of a skunk cleaner, a dozen dwarf blue-legs, and a couple turbos. Also have 2-3 softies, and one newly added acans.
Only other fish in the tank is a larger orange ocellaris, which has recently gotten a lot bigger and also taken up residence in my long tentacle.
The larger ocellaris is a bit of a jerk, but was nice to the small black one for the 6 weeks they've been together, and then a little cold toward him when she took up in the LTA a week ago, and now today seems to have abused him to the point of death? In one day?
I've moved him to a makeshift breeder net/basket/fuge in my sump to isolate him and let him rest. When disturbed, he swims, but struggles, and then returns to lying on the bottom and breathing rapidly.
While breathing is worse now, he's always breathed rapidly with pretty severely flared gills and a somewhat misshapen mouth. He came that way from LFS, and I didn't know any better than to ask for a different one. Guess I'm saying he wasn't always the healthiest?
Is this guy a goner? If yes or if no, what are the recommended next steps/where do I go from here? Thanks. Bummed out that the LFS sold me a possibly unhealthy $35 fish. I've since gone back and seen other unhealthy-looking stock and nems. Won't be shopping there again, but I feel bad for this guy.
Water params are all fine. I test and have LFS confirm. Tested today. All is well, including salinity, temp, phospate, nitrate, alk, calc, magnesium, etc.
Any input is always valued.