clownfish food~please help


Active member
Can i add a little of each of the item listed bellow to feed my clowns. Should i add or take out anything. all i have in my tank is two clowns some snails and hermits.
thanks for any help puffer21
Spirulina Brine Shrimp
Mysis Shrimp
Ocean Plankton
----ok, here you go. I pride myself on fish. I am decent with corals and other stuff, but fish---------well i am the man....

Clowns are easy, real easy. First off, you have too many durn snails and hermits for a small tank. Get rid of half of them, trade them at the LFS and get some salt---that is just unnecessary.

23 total crustacians--make it 10 keep the same proportions so they will get a variety of nuisance algaes out but not so many--------now to the question

Rotifers-------worthless to the clowns-----more for filter feeders-------dump them
Brine shrimp--------nutritionally worthless----like eating mcdonalds french fries as your staple-----dont bother just dump the brine too

Mysis-------perfect-------depends on how big the clowns you may have to chop it up(look into the brand piscine energetics) it is the best with 69% protein

Daphnia-----dump it if it is just for a couple clowns----they wont even know its there

Ocean plankton and krill not bad but if you have mysis it is way better

My advice-----Piscine Energetics mysis or another brand if you can get this brand, also, clowns love frozen cyclopeeze, also formula two flake food

Clowns when disected(wild specimens) have been found to contain up to 40% algae content in their stomachs------

Get some selcon and zoe
Try this regimen----Mysis(piscine energetics), rinse off with tank water(tank water only not top durnit), drain off water and add zoe or selcon and let sit in fridge for an hour and feed
Also, get frozen cyclopeeze and formula two FLAKE(will give him some green in his diet and they love it) Feed the mysis twice a day. Every other day give them F2 Flake or frozen cyclopeeze in place of the mysis on a rotation

One day Mysis, Mysis(enriched of course with zoe or selcon or both), next day mysis, cyclopeeze---next day mysis, F2 flake----next day mysis, mysis

you dont need to enrich the cyclopeeze or F2 flake

I stongly suggest dropping everyting you have, particularly the brine, daphnia, rotifers(are you speeking of copepods/amphipods these are good of course) but if speeking of phytoplankton dump ti in the trash its not necessary

If you stick with OPlankton and krill(sigh) enrich it with Zoe or selcon or both

Get some cyclopeeze(frozen), F2 flake, and Mysis(piscine energetics or the current brand if you can tget it), zoe and selcon

Watch how colorful and healthy your clowns will be as well as they will grow fast

you could do 3 small feedings a day but i wouldnt

do twice a day one like an hour after lights on and one a couple hourse before lights off