clownfish near filter


New member
hey thre,
i dont know why but my two false percs iv had for 3-4 days keep swimming around the cornerish area and thre arent any predetors onli hermits can u help me?

Maybe they are tank bred. I have a tank bred maroon and when I first got it, it slept above the power head and would never go near the rocks.
not true i had a pair of clowns 2 ocellaris in a 90gal tank stayed in the top back corner of the tank for 2 years. wouldnt leave that spot they hosted a powerhead in the corner and came out a little for food.

so yours may change and venture out or they may make it a perm spot. only time will tell.
My WC nigripes did this for a week until they settled in. Now they stay in and around the rock work.

I agree with keefsama they may or may not.
Mine dident stop staying in the corner and top of power head until the minute I put an anemone in the tank... now it doesent leave the anemone! lol
my tank bred ocellaris did the same think, they gave it up in a months, although they stayed in the same half of the tank swimming in and out of the rockwork. Like tourkid, mine really came out when I got an anemone.