Clownfish pairing


New member
So I have a black storm (BS) and a Hail storm st(HS). BS killed the mocha storm so I got the HS and visibly smaller.. they did they usually chase/ dominance, but there has been no physical damage. There was one or two times I thought I saw a quick shake but nothing like I've seen with past clowns. BS did shake at HS when I first intro the HS, but HS never did it back
Now the HS hides but will come out to eat, BS swims freely but will confront HS if he comes out. But again.. nothing very physical.
Question.. will the HS eventually cone out? He does not breath heavily. There is no fin damage. Just wondering if this us normal and will pass.. when lights are out HS is out swimming. Any suggestions?

Thank you
@griss thank you for the reply. Yeah I just want to make sure the smaller one may be accepted. Like I said.. he hasn't really don't the clown shimmy but there is no physical damage. He does hide in a small hole but eats. Want to see if I need a new male or just wait it out. Heard it can take some time
It can take time. Like Griss I've always added clowns in pairs or groups QTing them together first to get an idea of who wants to be together. Even doing that there's still an element of hit and miss.
odds are much better if there were 2 females. eventually 1 might change to a male. I bet mocha and BS were 2 males and thats why 1 ended up dead. That tells me BS is also a male. Thus a female is needed to make a pair of any designer sort.