clownfish question


In Memoriam
so i've got 3 true percs. 1 female and 2 males. they used to be roggers. in roggers tank the female used to breed with one male and then go breed with the other. in my tank she's breeding with the one(i believe) and they won't let the other male anywhere near either of my rbta's. the other male has been chilling around my powerhead and hasn't grown at all in the bast however long. month or 2. he's still healthy. eats everyday. fins are perfect. but i feel bad for him
should i trade/sell him, or is there a chance that after the female lays these eggs that they'll allow him back to the anemone?
When clownfish breed & have eggs to protect,they are normally at their most aggressive/territorial state.I doubt that they will let the other male anywhere near them at this time.I would just play the waiting game & see what happens.So long as they are not actively harrassing the other male,then I'd just leave them alone & see how things develope.Just because fish act a certain way in one tank,does not mean that they will do the same in another.Have they spawned in your tank before?
i would move him to another tank or find him a good home, i dont see percs being a very social species. but give it some time see how they do, it may only be while theres eggs
they haven't spawned before but have been doing the dance for a while now and the female has a big gut! i'm thinking its eggs. I've been looking for eggs in the tank, but can't find any.