Coal power = 20k miles of pollution?

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11401686#post11401686 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
The only action proposed is to reduce energy consumption by 50-70% over the next 40 years. How do we do that with a growing population? Oh, I know, windmills.

Well no, we need to reduce carbon emissions, not energy consumption. If energy is produced in a carbon neutral fashion, it does not matter how much is consumed.

Wind turbines are part of the solution. There is no one solution.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11403295#post11403295 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
Don't reduce the herd, just get more hay.

If you want to save this planet, why are there no limits on population? Let's suppose we find a way to reduce our individual impact on the environment by 50% over the next 40 years. The population will double by then and we will have made ZERO progress on the problem. If things get as bad as are being forcast, maybe that will reduce the herd to manageable levels.
If you are afraid to address the core problem, then fighting symptoms might help you feel better, but you will still die.

Its funny how you can say "reduce the herd" and make it sound less offensive. You are talking about the deaths of many millions of people are you not?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11404695#post11404695 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scottras
Its funny how you can say "reduce the herd" and make it sound less offensive. You are talking about the deaths of many millions of people are you not?
No, the birth of billions is what I am talking about. Why do we have to have the absolute maximium amount of humanity that the world can support? Why can't 5 billion alive at once be enough?????
I am against killing, but I do not support unlimited population. If you support unlimited population, then you support unlimited use of natural resources. You can't have it both ways.
^^ I agree completely =) but I'm not sure how population controls can be "enforced" in most of the world. Culture conflicts, policing, politics etc. are just a few barriers.

Medicine and helping the starving/less fortunate isn't helping the problem either (though they probably hurt the planet less than the fortunate - per capita)

Until people "feel" the problem in their home (or someone like the Pope says "stop making babies or you will go to HELL" - if that will even work), their actions won't change. =(

edit: forgot to mention... culture changes usually occure by generation. I would assume a political one is about the same... so maybe there will be "bigger" changes several years/decades from now. The unforunate thing is lives are too short so later generations never really see/experience the world how previous generations have - so they may think 1 coral per 100sq ft. is "natural" because they never saw it when it was 100's per 100sq ft.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11404667#post11404667 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scottras
Well no, we need to reduce carbon emissions, not energy consumption. If energy is produced in a carbon neutral fashion, it does not matter how much is consumed.

Wind turbines are part of the solution. There is no one solution.

Spot on.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11405747#post11405747 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
No, the birth of billions is what I am talking about. Why do we have to have the absolute maximium amount of humanity that the world can support? Why can't 5 billion alive at once be enough?????
I am against killing, but I do not support unlimited population. If you support unlimited population, then you support unlimited use of natural resources. You can't have it both ways.

Fair enough, but not many developing countries have population control. The best methods I have learnt to control population are education (specifically the females of the house) and making a country prosperous. Developed countries do not have the population expansion of developing countries. All we have to do then is stop the developed countries from consuming so much.

No easy solution.
Those are some fantastic claims(no population controll, only dumb women make babies, TANG theory of earths population, the POPE speech) I'm glad that's not the way my leaders rule/lead. These theories should be left in the dark ages where they belong. LOL
I must admit however they made for some good reading. :clown:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11415941#post11415941 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steven_dean17
Those are some fantastic claims(no population controll, only dumb women make babies, TANG theory of earths population, the POPE speech) I'm glad that's not the way my leaders rule/lead. These theories should be left in the dark ages where they belong. LOL
I must admit however they made for some good reading. :clown:
I'm having a hard time sifting through your sarcasm, and I know sarcasm, but educated women with a life outside the house tend to have fewer children, it's a fact. Not sure what you're saying about the other things, so I'll leave it alone.
While much has been made of record-breaking thermometer readings and “unprecedented” heat waves, the average global temperature has risen by just 1°F in the past hundred years. If this doesn’t seem like much, well, it isn’t and, moreover, it has been unevenly distributed: temperatures rose from 1920-1940, decreased for the next thirty years, increased again until the mid-1990s, and have been nearly flat since 1998.

This is not the result one would expect if human-generated greenhouse gas emissions, which have constantly increased, inevitably caused temperatures to rise.
This is not the result one would expect if human-generated greenhouse gas emissions, which have constantly increased, inevitably caused temperatures to rise.
Actually it's exactly what the models that take in all natural and human forcings predict. We aren't just pumping CO2, methane, and other greenhouse gases into the air. At the same time we're pumping out sulfate aerosols that also cool the planet. The drops and rises in the observed trends are linked to changes in the relative production of sulfates and greenhouse gases.

It's also not true that temperatures leveled off in the 1990's. When the data is normalized and the impact of exceptional years like 1998 is reduced the trend is still an increase.
Here is a quote from your link: "How many children a couple gets largely depends upon how many they want, and how many they want depends importantly upon how many they think they can support."

Look at the birthrates of developed vs undeveloped nations, it's night and day. Educated women work and want fewer children, even though they could afford them, which doesn't mesh well with the above quote. Just about every major study concludes that education (and I should include economic level) reduces birthrate. Additionally, that book focuses on countries receiving foreign aid and the results of all foreign aid (food, housing, etc), it doesn't focus on education as far as I can tell, and neither you or I can deduce much of anything from that link.
That is not true in all cases, most if not all of these studies are based on poor underdeveloped countries that in most case have a culture that promotes child birth be it religious or governmental influence. These studies more often then do not include developed countries like the US and UK. I've seen one study that concludes women of hispanic birth will come to the US to have children. Is this caused by a lack of education? It seems to me that they were smart enough to know they would be better able to care for the children if the crossed the border. These arguments may have ment more back in the day, but now all the worlds populations are getting better educations across the board, so if women are staying dumb, it's not from a lack of education. I refuse to blame dumb women for the demise of the earth, If the men in these womens lives were a little less greedy maybe their women folk would be better prepared to castrate them at birth. Now that's how you controll a population.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11420654#post11420654 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steven_dean17
That is not true in all cases, most if not all of these studies are based on poor underdeveloped countries that in most case have a culture that promotes child birth be it religious or governmental influence. These studies more often then do not include developed countries like the US and UK.
No they're not left out of the studies, the entire point is to compare birth rates in developed (educated) vs undeveloped (uneducated) nations.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11420654#post11420654 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steven_dean17
I've seen one study that concludes women of hispanic birth will come to the US to have children. Is this caused by a lack of education? It seems to me that they were smart enough to know they would be better able to care for the children if the crossed the border.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the argument. Anyway, you don't need to be educated to know the US offers more opportunity than Mexico (no offense to Mexicans).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11420654#post11420654 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steven_dean17
These arguments may have ment more back in the day, but now all the worlds populations are getting better educations across the board, so if women are staying dumb, it's not from a lack of education. I refuse to blame dumb women for the demise of the earth, If the men in these womens lives were a little less greedy maybe their women folk would be better prepared to castrate them at birth. Now that's how you controll a population.
What? Wait...what? If it were true that everyone in the world was educated, then you would be educated, and that is clearly not the case.
"If the men in these womens lives were a little less greedy "

greedy? like irresponsible 1 night stands and machismo pressure? there's so many mexicans at my work and so much pressure (pride, their own parents peer pressure) to have a "male" or 4-6 children that it appauls me. Then my wife works at a hospital and I get to hear about how poor/uneducated people (many races) walk in, get treated and then walk out without ever paying a bill... but that's another issue.

I think education has some influence (m &&& f)... but it's not the end all. I'd really like to see government provided birth control (we pay around $37/month and know many girls in the 15-26 range that don't use any because it's too $$ every month or don't want to ask their parents). Then they get pressured with the guys not thinking beyond 5 minutes from now let alone the ramifications of irresponsibility etc.

anyway... it's an endless subject. Co2 emissions are SOME of the problem. I'm just as concerned about this as I am the mercury in the oceans, trash I see in parks, runnoff into streams, the O2 deadzone in the caribbean etc. etc.

if humans aren't influencing CO2 enough... they certainly are influencing other things the environment can't cope with.
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So now I'm not educated.....ok you win the prize for making an insult to win the debate. Good luck in the future with your higher form of thinking.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11422509#post11422509 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steven_dean17
So now I'm not educated.....ok you win the prize for making an insult to win the debate. Good luck in the future with your higher form of thinking.
Insult FTW! Sorry, didn't mean to say you were uneducated, just ignorant towards some issues. Don't take it personal, it's par for the course for me to be a little abrasive. Sometimes it makes people angry enough to read more and prove me wrong.
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