Coal power = 20k miles of pollution?

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"just ignorant towards some issues"

heh... maybe, maybe not. All of us choose our battles and our sides based on different facts, experiences, opinions etc. Whether either party is right or wrong, I think it's important to find a means to an end where everyone is happy. Pick religion for an example... in some ways I'm amazed we haven't blown each other up already over the "truth" =P

Oh, it's also wise to keep in mind that there are usually very smart people on both sides of the fence... and to keep respect and personal opinions to ones self so that your side is listened to and treated with respect. Emotion should always be kept out first and foremost.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11422980#post11422980 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrissreef
Oh, it's also wise to keep in mind that there are usually very smart people on both sides of the fence... and to keep respect and personal opinions to ones self so that your side is listened to and treated with respect. Emotion should always be kept out first and foremost.
I hear ya, I do, and I don't want to hurt any feelings. But, I can't keep my emotions out of it, and neither should you. Lack of emotion breeds apathy, and we can't afford any more apathy. Get some passion, fight for something. Don't be a total jerk, and definitely don't hurt people, but emotion is the most powerful tool we have for any cause.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11436559#post11436559 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
I hear ya, I do, and I don't want to hurt any feelings. But, I can't keep my emotions out of it, and neither should you. Lack of emotion breeds apathy, and we can't afford any more apathy. Get some passion, fight for something. Don't be a total jerk, and definitely don't hurt people, but emotion is the most powerful tool we have for any cause.

And what nobel activity are you personally engaged in with your emotional purpose?

I was just trying to say that if one brings too much emotion into something... the person one is trying to communicate with will stop listening and have a high potential to go into a situation where they become defensive... which is opposite the intended purpose. discussion is also different than persuasion or debate. someone can be passionate/emotional about a particular subject but when speaking to someone of the opposite stance, its use should be used sparingly. (and yes i'm very passionate about the environment - but I refuse to be radical and irrational toward non-believers)

ex: father gets emotional about his daughter staying out late rather than speak to her respectfully and calmly.

ex2: christian is in a muslim church speaking about christianity... not a good time to use emotion

ex3: accused murder victim becomes emotional/irate about their innocence in front of a jury vs speaking non-emotionally and calmly

point - be respectful of everyone's opinion (factual or not) because your own opinion is just that... an opinion.

anyway, this topic has sadly gone down a bad tangent =(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11437851#post11437851 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
And what nobel activity are you personally engaged in with your emotional purpose?
Sift through previous posts if you want. I've gone down that road too many times already.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11442163#post11442163 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrissreef
point - be respectful of everyone's opinion (factual or not) because your own opinion is just that... an opinion.
You do understand the difference between fact and opinion, right?

I'm tired of people spouting half truths and lies, and I'm way past caring if people think I'm being "nice". I've tried being nice, and nothing changes. I'll give the facts as I know them, and if the other person is open to it, fine. If not, it doesn't matter how I say it because they won't listen no matter how I deliver the message, IME.
exactly... you can't force anyone to do anything. Overweight people hear about their "problem" through facts every day but in the end, nothing will change unless they want to change or do what it takes. Until then, they'll keep ballooning (just like pollution if there isn't an export means.) . Some think skinny is a marketing problem and not obesity, some won't even change after doctor recommendation which is causing all of our health insurances to rise etc. etc. Hell, I know plenty of adults with $0.00 in savings because the government always provides an "out" thus breeding irresponsibility (medicare/medicaid sp? social security, etc.) Americans are really good at pushing things onto future generations (that are fewer in number)

the only thing you can do is present facts (from occasionally a biased perspective and hope they don't have counter facts). if presented wrong, people will just tune the facts out (like commercials haha... my "opinion" is emotion is a bad way to communicate to strangers).

As you may have noticed... the "responsible reefkeeping" forum isn't frequented much, why do you think that is? My guess is people want to tune the facts out of us taking animals from natural habitats to suit their personal agendas. people just tune out bad news in general because it doesn't make them feel good and it requires some responsibility on their part =( "our hobby is so small compared to other things the reefs must bear so we don't really have to worry about how much we take" ORRR "oh, when the bangaii's are extinct, someone will start tank raising them so no worries"... I hear this ALL THE FING time and I work at a lfs =( I even tell customers about them being red listed and they say "oh, wow that sucks... well I'd still like some so I'll take 3". I just want to beat the crap out of them! what more do I need to do after I present facts of possible extinction? burn the forest around their house down or hide their child for an hour in the bathroom before they "get it"?

my fiancee's cosmo recently listed recycling rates in various cities... it's not too hot in tx =(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11447982#post11447982 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
Sift through previous posts if you want. I've gone down that road too many times already.

Nice dodge!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11461614#post11461614 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
Nice dodge!
It is a dodge, as I know what it leads to and it's never good. Letting you and countless others into my personal life is about as appealing to me as poking my eye with sharp stick, and just about as productive.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11489992#post11489992 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
Then why use your personal life as a model for our behavior, with all the "emotional" verbage?
I don't use my personal life as a model, that's the point. I just tell you when your facts are wrong, which never makes a damn difference anyway because you never listen and simply troll for attention. Guess what emotion I'm feeling now?
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