Colorful Macro IDs Please


New member
I have these two macro algaes growing all over my Kaelini LR. My purple tang won't touch either variaty and they feel leathery to the touch. Any idea what these are?

The first one is mostly yellow with specs of funky color on it.

The second algae is almost a glowing blue colr under 20K MH.
Hey Dr.King,

Try looking up Padina and Dictyota. If that is what they are, then they are both brown algae that can be very prolific :). If the Dictyota (what I believe the algae in the bottom picture is) starts growing very fast you may want to remove it. I had some in my 45 gallon aquarium (4x95w VHOs, problems w/ phosphates, no nitrates) and it grew like crazy. When I tried to pull it out any little floating bits that broke off and landed somewhere grew into a whole new individual. Some Dictyota are slow growers (or it grows at different rates in different tanks depending on some factor or symphony of factors) and it is pretty spiffy looking though so you might want to give it a chance :)

Thnaks for the reply. I agree that the bottom photo is indeed Dictyota. It seems that I have an irredensent variety. The top photo is not Padina from what I can tell from internet searches. Any idea where I can get a more information on marine algaes?
Hmmm. I would place a pretty substantial bet on the first one being Padina sp.. There are a lot of species, so finding an exact picture match probably isn't going to happen.

I'm not sure about online sources, but these are the bibles of marine algae as far as books go:

Littler, D.S., M.M. Littler, K.E. Bucher, & J.N. Norris. 1989. Marine Plants of the Caribbean. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, DC.

Littler, D.S., M.M. Littler. 2000. Caribbean Reef Plants. OffShore Graphics, Inc. Washington, DC.

Littler, D.S., M.M. Littler. 2003. South Pacific Reef Plants. OffShore Graphics, Inc. Washington, DC.

The first one is a handy field guide and easy to find. The other two are crazy-comprehensive but are also crazy-expensive. You have to really love marine plants to buy them. Impressive books, though....if you're like me and think $90 is reasonable for a book about algae. :)