

New member
Since the forum has been a bit slow, I thought I'd share that I bought a 120g AGA Reef Ready tank today. I may have to retire my title as the King of Nanos now that I've ventured into the larger world. It's going to take me months to get together enough moola to put this thing together properly! Planning and dreaming is half the fun though right?
Haha that's awesome!

I wish I could fit (or afford) a 120! That's awesome though for you!

The forums here have been a little slow as we've all been posting a lot more on the chico reef club site a lot more.
I'm still debating whether or not I can afford it; I bet people can relate. This hobby has a large impulse spending component. I think I'm gonna check out the chicoreefclub site!
Yeah well just start slow with frags and work your way up!

The chico reef club site is coming along really well, the webmaster has done a lot of work on it and it's becoming really stable.
I'm a big fan of the last year's frag swap host, Pam's nickname "BudgetYourself" :D

I've been told that to get the tank the way you want it -reef wise (is that ever really possible?) the tank cost is only going to end up being about 10% of your capital total costs. (i.e. not including ongoing costs like food, salt, ENERGY/ELECTRICTY!!!) :D

CONGRATS :bounce1: :celeb3: :thumbsup: Welcome to the world of better water stability. (Ok now all you nano-lovers can attack me on this one.) :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11659714#post11659714 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boviac
I'm a big fan of the last year's frag swap host, Pam's nickname "BudgetYourself" :D

I've been told that to get the tank the way you want it -reef wise (is that ever really possible?) the tank cost is only going to end up being about 10% of your capital total costs. (i.e. not including ongoing costs like food, salt, ENERGY/ELECTRICTY!!!) :D

CONGRATS :bounce1: :celeb3: :thumbsup: Welcome to the world of better water stability. (Ok now all you nano-lovers can attack me on this one.) :lol:

Joel and I were talking and I think we calculated that most people spend $40 to $60 per gallon going from scratch with a tank. I'm going to be ghetto rigging it until further notice. Maybe just print some pictures of fish off the internet and taping them inside :rollface:

I'll Help you cut and paste.

NO WAIT. I will take pictures of my fish and you can use those.:lol: :lol:
What do you think would cost more- the complete setup for a tank, or filling a tank with nickels?

On a side note, how do you reply in the forums on our website? There's no e-z mode reply! I'm either blind or completely incompetent. Or both.
Just click reply at the bottom or top of the thread :)

There's no easy reply ATM but I think Kane may be working on it... could be wrong...

The site went from very little traffic when I first started with the club a three months ago to tons of traffic now! It takes a little longer to get used to the board style but it's nice after you get used to it and Kane our webmaster is still tweaking things.
Wow... I swear the "Reply" button doesn't load on my other computer! It needs to be like bright red and flashing, and maybe burn your eyes if you stare at it directly for too long. How'd I miss that. Welp, hope everyone is ready for me to flood that board with my nonsense.
Haha well I'm doing a fairly good job of that myself... you're welcome to join, although we do need an off topic forum.
sometimes you have to access the thread from the forums page vs the main page. it does that to me too once in a while.
Uh is it plugged in? Have you signed in on the HOME page. I puruse threads and wish to reply only to find I haven't signed in yet. Sign in and then Bam. at the top of the page are two options. Good luck.

I think nickles would crack the bottom but be cheaper. Go with Reef stuff. :D
Funny story. So I went to the doctor today because I was having some stomach pains, and he's concerned that I may have a hernia. He asked me if I had done anything out of the ordinary in terms of exercise or heavy lifting recently, to which I said "no".

Anyways, I got home today and was relating this story to my girlfriend. I finished the part about heavy lifting, and we suddenly both turn and look at my aquarium sitting on the ground and say "Uh-oh."

Aquarium: 1, Ryan: 0
Ouch... Hopefully, can be remedied without too much medical intervention and expense. again, Ouch. That directly eats into available reef funds. :(

Take care...
Now i am really jealous that is one of the tanks I have always wanted, the 4ftX2ftX2ft is awesome.

Seems like everyone is upgradeing tank sizes but me :( Oh well, maybe someday.
If I show my reef club card at my CT scan tomorrow will I get a discount off the $650 price? Its reef related after all!!!
no, but they might add a free colonostopy.

Your average reefer gets charged a finders fee at a brain scan.