Considering a Octo...


New member
Hi all,
i have just got my tank back and i happened to stumble into here. after having a good look around it got me really thinking about a octo.
Tank spec's are
60g all glass 2x2x2 foot
20g refugium (deep sand bed, 3-4kg's live rock)
10g sump
display have a 5cm sand bed and about 10kg's of live rock.

Can my tank hold any comonly availble species of octopus?
My expierence has mostly been lionfish am i right in that they create around the same amount of waste?
And is there anyone in Aus. that know of stockist or specialist?

Thanks for your time
Looks like a good set up for some of the smaller octos.
Bimac and some of the tropical so called "Dwarf" octos.
I would not go to much beyond that. I consider 55 gal to be Min for even the smallest of them.
they really do move all over the place.
They are considered VERY messy eaters and commonly leave empty shells around
My Fuzzy Dwarf Lion fish seemed to swallow every thing whole. so I dont know if they would compare. But your system has enough filtration for an Octo.

Octos are getting hard to find since the primary source of them kinda up and vanished on us (octopets)
so now we just sort of watch and hope that we can get one from a LFS or get lucky with some eggs.
Since patchy is in Australia, he will probably be looking for different species/suppliers. Any ceph keepers from Australia here?