Considering selling it all

What triggered this roger? You said your apex went out and you had a loss ? Very sorry to hear man

Just a series of things I guess. Sick of replacing $200-$400 pumps. With 10 tanks you would be surprised how often a power head breaks when u have 22 powerheads running. Add that with the apex and the poor job apex did to install a new new base unit to an existing apex program. Even when you had to save log file. Turned out it also blew 2 EB8 so another $320 later and on and on it goes. i used to have fun doing tank maintenance like a car guy likes to tinker with his cars, but not anymore. It's not fun. If I keep a tank it will be a low maintenance system.
I am sad to see this but I completely understand. I have 6 systems running and am getting tired of it. I started breaking tanks down 2 days ago. Cutting back to 2 tanks. 1 sps and 1 mixed. I know most love apex or other controllers but I am going back to simple. basic timers, If a pump goes down I will go back to mag drives. I will keep running jebaos wave makers but will keep several around to swap out. most of us could have bought a new car with the money we have spent just to have some piece of equipment fail and loose it all.
Yeah I can't imagine having that much going on at once. It's hard for me to keep up with my one system and just one thing can go wrong and ruin everything. When you have such a big system like that the risk is even higher so I def understand