Contactless Sensor and ATO


New member
I've been trying to use this sensor to turn my ATO pump on and off but I'm having an issue.

First issue is that it seems to be getting an error every couple mins. I reset the error, then ensure the sensor/socket is off but a couple mins later I get another alarm/error.

The sump is acrylic BTW. Does anyone know how to properly use this sensor?
i had a brand new sump witrh my contactless and had to get the optical one because my contactless wouldnt work correctly on the acrylic

i am waiting on the optical one to arrive but was having problems like yours but more spaced out

I am using two on my acrylic sump with no issues, make sure the sensor is not by an area that is suseptable to water splash on the inside of the sump, this will create wrong readings. The radio wave sensors are of extreme accuracy so will detect even the smallest droplet and also salt creep.

Make sure the area is very clean on the inside. Mine is placed as far away from any pumps or equipment as possible as is the life line of my tank for alarms, I trust this over the other sensors as it is solid state.
OK, so it seems that the contactless sensor is probably not the best one to use for ATO then. Would you say that is correct?
I enquired with the UK distributor about using one of these and they advised not using one as they were 'unreliable'.
The one I like the best is the optical one, I have never had one fail. It's very accurate and requires very little maintenance (I have not touched mine in over a year). I know it’s not as fancy but it works the best for me.
I've had one for a while and I just got around to setting it up last weekend. So for it is completely useless on my acrylic sump. It is way to touchy, one minute it works right the next it doesn't. IMO waste of money, return yours now if you still can.
I too spent the $$$ to change from an optical sensor to one of these contactless sensors on an acrylic sump. After fighting it for a month, and never being able to get it operating reliably, I switched back to an optical sensor, and my expensive contactless sensor is sitting in a box.

it's not true that the contactless level sensor is not working at all.
The sensor is designed for the use under certain circumstances, please read more here:

If a customer obtained the contactless sensor and has problems to use it and he followed the instructions we will replace it if the purchase was in the last 4 weeks and if the sensor is still in good condition (no visible signs of use or even mechanically damages).
Thanks for the link Matthias, but it states that the contactless sensor is ideal for ATO. In my experience, and a few others in this thread it seems as though this sensor is not ideal for ATO, even when in a sump with clean glass/acrylic. So I will ask you, what can I use this sensor for?
I've found it very unreliable on 1/8" acrylic away from my drain. Unfortunately this is one (and only) profilux product I would never recommend to others.