Converting my 115 to a reef, Lighting.


Where's The Reef?
I am having thoughts of moving my 26g reef over to my 115g here this month.I have a 250w hamilton tech Metal Halide fixture over my 26g, So my initial thought was is I will but another 250w Metal halide, combine the 2 250w Metal halide fixtures over the 115, and supplement them with T-5 lighting.Any thoughts and input is appreciated.

Cody, look into LEDs..They are the newest thing out and I have been studying them lately. There is a RC sponsor called They look pretty easy to build and somewhat inexpensive.

To answer your question another halide would be plenty over your 115. However, for about the same money you could go all LED. It was nice meeting you and your mom tat the swap!
I concur with what Jason says above, now that you are a club member you can also check out the club par meter and take a lot of the guesswork out of the whole deal when you switch over. With all the people switcvhing to t-5s and LED,s you might find you a deal on anther Metal Halide to match what you have, that and a pair of T-5s would do you most likely!!
Man Thank You, it was a cool new experience going to the drag swap!All the frags are doing great, I already see a new Bud forming on a Birdsnest I got!I have been locked onto LED since I heard about them, and gathering my thoughts on them.I had an Idea of creating a LED, Metal Halide Mixture of lighting In my canopy.I have had my best luck out of Metal Halides, but there is always room for improvement!I will deffinately look into, And the wattage reccomendations.Reason for moving to the 115g I just ran out of room for more corals!Its just terrible!
