Converting older units to Magnet Mounts (9002 and Osmolator)


New member
I'm acquiring both a use Tunze 9002 skimmer to fit in my Red Sea Max 130 (along with the InTank media basket) as well as a pre-magnet model Tunze Osmolator. Rather than using the supplied brackets, is there an easy way to add magnets to either of these units? Is it feasible or just plain stupid to purchase magnets at a Home Depot or Lowes and super glue them on to bypass the brackets?

Sorry for the novice main concern is room is tight in the back section of my tank and I know people have successfully fit both items using the newer magnetized versions.

Thanks! :clown:
You can screw on the 6025.250 magnet holder to the same screw mounts that the brackets screwed onto using the same screws. Alternatively you can break the mounts off and glue the magnets on directly, a quick snap with a pair of pliers should break them off and we sell the glue we use at the factory, it is Tangit, part 0104.710. You have to have the plastic very clean before gluing, we use isopropyl alcohol for cleaning. This glue melts the plastics together like PVC or acrylic glue. I would definitely not use hardware store magnets, magnets are metal and deteriorate very quickly in salt water, they have to be substantially waterproofed.

Thanks for the quick response (and sorry about my slow reply). I tried searching for the magnet holder on your website with no luck...

Also, for the Osmolator, is buying this (3155.600) the only option or is there another way to utilize the existing mount (while taking up as little space as possible)?

I made a mistake, it is 6025.500, type it into search on our website and it should come right up. 6025.250 is the Nano Stream Rock. For the osmolator, the magnet is cirtical, the float switch is magnetic and a wrong placed magnet mount will wreak havoc on the system, I could only recommend the 3155.600.
I made a mistake, it is 6025.500, type it into search on our website and it should come right up. 6025.250 is the Nano Stream Rock. For the osmolator, the magnet is cirtical, the float switch is magnetic and a wrong placed magnet mount will wreak havoc on the system, I could only recommend the 3155.600.

Ok, that works better. I just saw the rock and thought I was going crazy. So if I order both parts then they will easily work with the older units? Any ideas on general shipping costs to 84107 (SLC, UT)? This hobby is getting expensive!

Thanks for the assistance! :beer:
The website figures a flat rate shipping if you order from it, based on weight. You would be at the threshhold of $5 or $8, I am not sure what the shipping charge would be, but at the end of the ordering process it gives a total invoice. We would ship UPS.
The website figures a flat rate shipping if you order from it, based on weight. You would be at the threshhold of $5 or $8, I am not sure what the shipping charge would be, but at the end of the ordering process it gives a total invoice. We would ship UPS.


Just to make sure, if I buy the magnet mount for the ATO kit, it will work with the older unit no problem? Also, the for the magnets for the Tunze 9002?

Thanks, sorry for all the questions that might seem obvious.
Yes, but I might order from Premium Aquatics or AquaCave, they stock these items and we sold out of 3155.600 yesterday. You will night to take the 3150.310 from your old holder set for use on the 3155.600.