cool just got my 20000k bulb yesterday!!


New member
I just recieved my coralife 20000k 175W MH bulb yesterday. Hooked it up, looks great. Anyone else out there likes the bluish colors of the 20000k bulbs? As a diver in florida i am used to seeing the reefs in this color, as they are pretty deep, not the blinding whites of the 10000k bulbs. I also supplement the bulb with 2 55W pc one side actinic 03 and one side 10000k b/c i did not want it too blue. I think the combination looks pretty good on my 58g reef.:)
I am currently using 2 400W 20KK halides on my 90. I love the color. The only drawback is that when the timer kicks off, the rest of the room suddenly looks VERYyellow. Oh, and my neighbors say it looks like i'm welding in my living room.
that's funny!The color is very similar to arc welders. the gas they use to fire them is i think argon? this might be the same gas that is in the MH bulb that gives it this blue color.


I am glad you brought up the color you see when you are diving. I am still new to MH lighting and have 250 watt 6500k bulbs over my reef. I have done some diving and the colors I see are very blue to green in the water. So I am in the same process of going to 20000k bulbs for the same look. I have heard some great thing about the color and some not so great. Its just nice to hear someone on the same wave lenght.... I bought just one to try out it will be here tomorrow.. Best of luck...:D
let me know what you think of the color. They 20000k bulbs will appear not to be as bright as the 6500K but that is b/c of the different wavelenght, our eyes are more accustomed to the yellow wavelenght, but the intensity will be the same.
Since this was started in the Marine Plant & Macroalgae forum, I'll add to this thread that although corallines might prefer higher kelvin lighting like 20kk, most other marine plants and macroalgae seem to prefer lower {5500-6500k} kelvin lamps.
that's funny!The color is very similar to arc welders. the gas they use to fire them is i think argon? this might be the same gas that is in the MH bulb that gives it this blue color

Hmm, no wonder my corals get so excited when I get out the arc welder, hehehe, j/k


fishnut. I put in the new 20000k xm and I like it...I am going to order 2 more for the rest of the tank. With the 20000k's it looks like I can get rid of my attinics... Not sure yet but we will see. Tanks for your input here.....
post pic pls

post pic pls

hey fellas,

can u guys post some pics of those 20k tanks, i really wanna see how a 20k coralife bulb looks! thx
20K in the mail

20K in the mail

I have an XM 20K coming as I type. UPS, so no telling when it will get here and I hope in one piece. I am going to use it in a 175w spot pendant above my 37 gal. I am hoping that it won't need actinic's. All I have read makes me think I won't. If the one is not enough I will have to get another 175W pendant. So any for sale out there let me know, ;) . I would also be interested in some pics.
helly sally.........

helly sally.........

good to see your getting your bulb in the mail, im getting mines 2morrow, i decided im not going for the ushio as i planed and im going to get coralife 20k, hope they look good cause so far ive been getting bad reviews on that bulb, hope im not a idiot for being cheap!!! post those pics when you have a chance, ill get mines up this week also, john