Copperband butterfly not eating frozen


Good morning! I'm looking for a little assistance in the Davie area. I have a Copperband Butterfly who is going to need live foods for a bit until I can get her on frozen. Does anyone have some Selcon I can buy about a dropper of? I don't need much and hate to buy the bottle and waste it all later. Also if anyone in the area is growing or selling some phytoplanktons I need that as well. I can trade coral frags for these itemsor pay cash. Thank you!!
Interested in any other live foods available and if you have tips on getting the CBB to eat please share!!
You can open a raw clam and tie it to a rock. They will usually peck on that. Just keep the more aggressive fish from eating it first. They like to peck on the rocks so you can push some raw shrimp or scallop into the rock crevasse.
I heard live blackworms are where its at. They are relatively cheap and will keep for weeks in the fridge with minimal maintenance. Last batch I bought was at AllPets, not sure if they still carry it but most LFS should have.
To get mine to eat frozen I kept mixing live brine and frozen about 80/20. Then I kept adding more frozen and less live about 50/50. Kept changing the mix until eventually it was all frozen and it never knew the differece

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That's great advice SRA127. That was my plan. But for now he is super picky. He looks at the shrimp before eating and spits frozen back out. So I need to enrich my live brine with phyto and Selcon.
No one has any?