Copperbanded Butterfly


New member
Any and all thoughts on the care and feeding of this fish would be greatly appreciated. What has worked for you?


RE Fox
When looking to buy one, make sure they are eating in the store, have someone feed it, and make sure they eat. They are very tricky to get eating. I bought one that wasn't eating from my LFS but now I have him eating live mussles, and clams from my grocery store. In time I will try to train him to eat frozen food. They sometimes pick at corals, but if kept happily fed they shouldn't bother corals.
I just lost one in my QT that I weaned over to frozen. I have heard individuals from australia have a better chance of survival due to better capturing techniques than those from the indo-pacific.
Do a search there is alot on them about trying to get them to start eating . That seems to be the biggest problem is trying to get them to start eating.