I've had my Coral Beauty for about 5 months now (quarantined first). It looks like it's lost some tissue from the front of its face. Mouth almost looks bloody. I think it's been like this for a week or two. Thoughts on what this is and how to treat it? HLLE? Do angels get that? Is it possible to do in-tank? See pics below. The other fish I'm not as concerned about, but thought I'd ask about them too.
My McCosker's Flasher Wrasse has been in there the same amount of time (5 months, also quarantined) and is fine.
I also have a clown fish that's been in the tank for almost 10 years. He's always had some amount of these black markings (almost look like burns), but this seems to be the most he's had by far. Any idea what they are?
And last, my Royal Gramma Basslet has been in there about 8 or 9 years. It's mostly fine, but it looks like there's a small amount of tissue loss (whiteish area) on top of her head as well? I think this has been like this for quite some time as well.
All fish act fine and eat like pigs. They generally get along, but the clown is a bully. Never seen him chase the Angelfish though - just the wrasse. These are all in my 65 gallon Red Sea Max which has been established for 10 years now. I am upgrading to a 120g (established for 6 months now and has 3 tangs in it) and want to transfer these 4 fish all at once. But I don't want to if they are sick and especially if it's something that could affect my other fish.
So that's the other key question - if it's just a water quality issue from carbon or something, is it safe to go ahead and transfer the fish?
Note - there are no white spots or anything on the fish - that's just stuff floating in the tank in front of the fish. Also, I did the TTM process with the 2 newer fish (wrasse and angel) and used PraziPro as well. Thanks!
I've had my Coral Beauty for about 5 months now (quarantined first). It looks like it's lost some tissue from the front of its face. Mouth almost looks bloody. I think it's been like this for a week or two. Thoughts on what this is and how to treat it? HLLE? Do angels get that? Is it possible to do in-tank? See pics below. The other fish I'm not as concerned about, but thought I'd ask about them too.
My McCosker's Flasher Wrasse has been in there the same amount of time (5 months, also quarantined) and is fine.
I also have a clown fish that's been in the tank for almost 10 years. He's always had some amount of these black markings (almost look like burns), but this seems to be the most he's had by far. Any idea what they are?
And last, my Royal Gramma Basslet has been in there about 8 or 9 years. It's mostly fine, but it looks like there's a small amount of tissue loss (whiteish area) on top of her head as well? I think this has been like this for quite some time as well.
All fish act fine and eat like pigs. They generally get along, but the clown is a bully. Never seen him chase the Angelfish though - just the wrasse. These are all in my 65 gallon Red Sea Max which has been established for 10 years now. I am upgrading to a 120g (established for 6 months now and has 3 tangs in it) and want to transfer these 4 fish all at once. But I don't want to if they are sick and especially if it's something that could affect my other fish.
So that's the other key question - if it's just a water quality issue from carbon or something, is it safe to go ahead and transfer the fish?
Note - there are no white spots or anything on the fish - that's just stuff floating in the tank in front of the fish. Also, I did the TTM process with the 2 newer fish (wrasse and angel) and used PraziPro as well. Thanks!