Coral beauty torn fin - aggressive banggai to blame??


New member
Hi all,

I know banggais can be aggressive to other cardinals but has anyone got experience of them attacking other fish species?

In the last week I have noticed a couple of my coral beautys fins are looking a bit ragged. I at first thought fin rot may be the culprit but there is no obvious discolouration around tips or base of the fins, no whitening etc so I am wondering if one of my other fish may be to blame. Also none of my other fish are showing any symptoms.

Tankmates are 2 ocellaris clowns, 2 x banggais and a mandarin. I did see that one of my clowns had an issue with its jaw last saturday which is about the same time I noticed the angels fins, the clowns jaw looked like it had something stuck in it but it was back to normal on sunday. So it could be that the clown has had a pop at the angel but I see them swim near each other regularly and have never witnessed any aggresion between them. I have however noticed that my dominant banggai and angel will often go side on and shimmy at each other occasionally accompanied by clicks from the banggai but I have not witnessed any nipping from either fish.

I think I may have 2 male banggais, as they now stay at opposite sides of the tank and the dominant one chases the other away but has not caused any fin damage (they were tiny when I got them so the LFS may have mis-sexed them). I have had the angel just over 2 months was tiny when I got it but is now fairly equal in size to the cardinal.

Tank is a 90g reef with sump/fuge and all main params are in check: NH4 0/No2 0/No3 <10/pH 8.1-8.3/sal 1.025/ Temp 25-26c


I have seen Banggais beating up clownfish, picking fights with Regal Angels and killing baby Marine Bettas. They may look and often be harmless, but they are very well capable of inflicting damage to other fish under certain conditions

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I have seen Banggais beating up clownfish, picking fights with Regal Angels and killing baby Marine Bettas. They may look and often be harmless, but they are very well capable of inflicting damage to other fish under certain conditions

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Wow thats interesting thanks, here's me thinking they were peaceful!

Looks like one of them is going back to the LFS then. Seems strange that my other banggai who its always chasing has no damage on it but I guess that may be because the angel stands its ground and postures back whereas the other cardinal just runs away.