Coral Mania reviews?

Well i went. It was small but i picked up some nice peices for great prices

Pro corals acro rainbow
Mr pacman acro
Cherry tree monti
Aqua man monti x2 different vendors looked different
Chilli pepper monti
And i think 1 more peice too.


They have some cool freshwater stuff too. I think if you have free tickets you should go. Its good to support these events as they can grow.

I ended up going back after having lunch at food truck rally. Bought 2 very nice chalices from a2z corals. It wasnt the biggest show but i bought just as much at this show as i did at the larger shows. It will get better every year im sure.

Anyone that was disappointed I strongly encourage you to go to RAP. It's night and day. Lots of big money sponsors. Lots of vendors, handouts, speakers, rare and unique corals and excellent raffle prizes.

Not trying to knock the smaller shows, but they're simply not bringing the kind of money in without the big sponsors like Neptune, EcoTech, Marineland, etc.
I just got back and I'm sad to say that if it wasn't for the food trucks and the beer, I would have been mad. The Coral event was very poorly planned. I was expecting something nicer.

Oh well... I'm happy my frag tank is not ready yet. Otherwise, I would have been even more disappointed.
Did some of the vendors skip town for Sunday? I saw Reefers Direct & aznnutty (see him at all the shows) on the layout but no where to be seen. I think they tried to get bigger named national vendors to come in, but it never panned out. It looks like they filled in empty spaces with fresh water stuff. Not sure if guys saw the real estate agent. It's gotta be tough selling houses at coral show.

I knew what to expect I guess from reading the reviews yesterday. I made it worth my while & got some food at the thai temple down the street.

75% of the vendors I've never heard of, so I wasn't expecting to see any rare pieces. I do feel bad for any vendors that didn't well, especially if they had to drive from the other coast.

There was some bad planning on this. I'm not sure why it had to at the fairgrounds? I think they thought people from the food trucks would pop in? I don't like paying $6 to park on dirt. That dips into the coral budget. Being at the fairgrounds probably had to do with the high ticket cost. I feel bad for anybody who actually paid to attend.

With all that being said, I walked the floor twice & was done in 15 min. I could've been done in 5 but I double check everything in case I miss the needle in the haystack.
I had free tickets, Thanks Roger. This was my first show so I really do not have anything to compare it to. The show did seem really small and if I had paid to get in I would have been really disappointed.I did meet a few very nice vendors though. Jesse from Reefing Realms is up here in Holiday where I live, so I will stop and see him.

Is reefapalooza a better show to go to?
On instagram I saw some of the big name players that attend the larger events like reefapalooza and Macna joking around that they would never waste their time coming to coral con lol
Cool you could buy clean up crews there....But I only saw 2 vendors with tanks that I would have purchased from based on water clarity alone, lots of corals sliming in most tanks.

I got a cool pink Yuma from Drysdale.

Saw alot of Freshwater fish and stuff...No drygoods really Wasn't the best show but then again it was cool to check out and break up the weekend, it has potential.

Just my opinion.
The event this past weekend was Coral Mania. Coral-Con is its own event (with its own issues).
Cool you could buy clean up crews there....But I only saw 2 vendors with tanks that I would have purchased from based on water clarity alone, lots of corals sliming in most tanks..

+1 on that. Doug had a great setup with a clear tank, as did Top Shelf Aquatics. I really like the quality of TSA's stuff.
Now that floor plan looks like a real show.
The vendors and sponsors are big deals and very helpful to get product info from face to face. The speakers are very good to go listen to, very informative, the raffle prizes are insane. It's just a much different show, but there are many more years experience behind RAP. A ton of the vendors specifically stash their prizes away for RAP. I know of one that has been saving a blasto I've been craving for a year just for this event. Think of RAP as a mini MACNA