Coral Maternity in Portugal

I show you some shots taken by my friend Tiago Garcia.

Close up of frags:


Some fishes:




Some details of Maternity tank



I'll never take a picture like this (see P. hepatus bihind the Anthia)

I hope you like it,
Last edited:
I show you some shots taken by my friend Tiago Garcia.

Close up of frags:


Some fishes:




Some details of Maternity tank



I'll never take a picture like this (see P. hepatus bihind the Anthia)

I hope you like it,
how the hell did that happen now???? the second time this happens!!!
Time to get a mod on the scene and delete one of them..

I posted it once I swear....after all RC doesn’t allow to post more than 2 times in 30s.
T 5

T 5

Hi Machado

In the past we had producing on intensive system live Adult artemia in a closed system, and huge quantities can be produced in a relatively small area and also without being dependent on sea water. This farming method allows complete control against contamination from external sources

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy holiday season. Please enjoy this time of year with family and friends, and most of all be safe!
Machado I saw the yellow Gobiodon in your tank, does he iritate the Acroporas or not at all? I had one a year ago and he was iritating almost all of mine SPS (all polyps were constantly closed) . It had to go out and I was very glad to take him out safely without disturbing the reef.

But now when I see your's and other tanks with him, it makes me think I got the worst one out there :-(
Cprowler: when we post more than 3 shots we have to split the post. I neglected that.

Urb77: Long time ago i tried to produce massive adult artemia, to feed my fishes with live food, but I failed. :( If you live close the sea the use of NSW may be more economical or even more advantageous seeing that supplies macro and trace elements to our reproduction tanks in right proportions but I think that the risk of introducing some spores of undesirable algae and/or viruses and pathogenic bacteria or pollution is real. Thanks for your wishes of holiday season and new year. I wish you the same for you and your family.

Ok Chris wright, especially for you and Cprowler, next time I will post new photos x3. :) Thanks.

Laomedon: my gobiodons are a couple. I never noticed irritation of corals but what i see is when they spawn they cause some damage in posture zones, but nothing serious. These tiny creatures are my favorite fishes therefore i would never take them out.

Happy new year for all.
Wizsmaster: I rented the space (automobile garage) one year and three months ago (2006, September).
Then, after rent the space, I put hands on approach beginning with thermal and acoustic isolation works, paintings, ventilation, construction of the structures and tanks, etc., and the aquariums started the break in period 5 months later (2007, February).
The first corals came in nine months ago (from my home aquariums I dismantled in 2007, March).
About 4 months ago i added 19 frags that i brought from Germany. Everything has been done in stages, step by step.

Coraljunky: I do this as a hobby. If everything go on well, as i hope and pray for that, and if my corals grow too much and the system reaches unbearable costs for me, maybe I´ll be obliged to sell some frags to pay some costs but not with the purpose of the business.
I earn my money, for almost 30 years, always working as a Civil Engineer.

coral racks

coral racks

Hello Machado sorry to butt in but I wanted to thank you for your design with eggcrate. I used it with great success;) thankyou
machado very well done :thumbsup: it's great to see coral propagation done for the right reasons.

you have a private message ;)

Redox: I liked. You improved the water movement and now you control better your corals from above. Corals and fishes looks like happier.

Flint&Eric: thanks for your coments.
I would like you know a little better, and in more detail, the scenes of my system. So, i start by making some diagrams of the movement of water in the system and detail of the sump.

layout of the sump


Water flow in the sump


Water flow from tanks to sump


I wait for your questions and comments,

Re: Re: :)

Re: Re: :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11096427#post11096427 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
Some day-care close ups


I hope you like it.

Machado, where did you source that one?
It's one of the nicest I have ever seen!

bobbet43 and Redox: do you know the vodka method to feed bacteria in aquariums? I’m using a different one: the beer method!!!… to feed myself and visitors...

conorwynne: I bought the mother donor of this Pocilophora pistilata in Dortmund, German, five months ago.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11564655#post11564655 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Machado deSousa
bobbet43 and Redox: do you know the vodka method to feed bacteria in aquariums? I’m using a different one: the beer method!!!… to feed myself and visitors...

conorwynne: I bought the mother donor of this Pocilophora pistilata in Dortmund, German, five months ago.


when you bought the pocillipora, was it as dramtically colored up as it is now?