Coral Maternity in Portugal


Have you tried the new ATI Pro Color T5 bulb yet?,0,0,1,0,0

Aqua-blue special and Blue plus

Aquablue Special, Blue plus and one Pro Color
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11693074#post11693074 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by panic
Amazingly simple and beautiful system! Thanks for sharing your journal with us. I apologize for redundancy, but for flow in each tank there is a wavebox and 2x 6100s on a controller? Thanks Machado

Panic, thanks for your words and participating in the thread.
One option is not good if its implementation is too much complicated. We must persecut simple solutions.
I mounted two skimmers, two calcium reactors, more than one filtering system, etc, but I’m failing in the most important aspect about redundancy: I only have one circulation pump associated to each tank and sometimes i spend some days without visiting the prop. If eventually one of the circulation pumps stopped (it never happened, thanks God!) I could have serious problems. Right now, for safety, i am installing one more pump distributing to all tanks.
I have a wavebox in each aquarium with a 6100 Tunze stream associated as slave.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11746912#post11746912 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xenon
Excellent work Machado!!!!

You have inspired me to make changes to my new prop setup.

I have two 30g breeder tanks (36"x18"x12") that I am going to use for SPS propagation and I have been struggling on my lighting choices.

I would like to use T5 only but I dont know how many bulbs to use. I am limited to the 36" 39w bulbs. I was thinking about getting the ATI Powermodule 8x39w fixture for each tank or the Sunlight Supply Tek fixture since its 2X cheaper than the ATI.

I was also wondering if I need live rock at all. I am going to add a 60lb caribsea remote deep sand bed for filtration for each tank. Would that be enough for natural filtration?

Sorry for all the questions but you are the god of coral propagation in my opinion. :D

Hi xenon, about how many bulbs to use I suggested you to begin with 3.8 watts per gallon. For your 30g breeder tanks it corresponds to three Blue Special tubes for each tank. After get familiar with effects on your tanks and corals and after attest that you not notice undesirable algae anywhere, you may gradually increase the number of tubes up to reach the light intensity you want. Take care with 8x39w fixtures you intent to buy because they emit too much light for your 30g shallow tanks.
Corals take time to adapt to t5 lighting and you should never underestimate T5 light intensity. Take care when you put any coral close T5 tubes, although under a single bulb.
About choice between ATI Powermodule and the Sunlight Supply Tek fixtures, each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages, as you know. Compare materials they are made of, quality and efficiency of reflectors, weight, tubes ventilation, aesthetic aspects, costs, etc. Decide observing the quality/price rate.
DSB and LR have similar utility in nitrification and denitrification process. The 60lb Caribsea remote DSB for each breed tank may be enough if your organic load is not too high and if you have a good skimmer. Don’t forget to remove phosphate also. Algae filter gives you a good help to remove phosphate and eventual remaining nitrates.
About god of coral propagation, I liked that!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11746912#post11746912 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xenon

Have you tried the new ATI Pro Color T5 bulb yet?,0,0,1,0,0

Aqua-blue special and Blue plus

About ATI T5 bulbs, when the goal is to grow corals and not gain colors, the best combination in my opinion is 60% Blue Special (10000ºK) as main lighting combined with 40% Blue Plus bulbs (20000ºk). Otherwise, using only 50% Blue Special tubes combined with Blue Plus or Pro Color you can emphasize colors with not so much coral growth.

Wow what an amazing setup! I have been lurking on this forum for some time and finally am posting with a few questions if thats okay.

1- Could you give a picture description of how you make your frag plugs? Or more detailed information on the process?

2- I really would like to see where and how you frag your corals? How big of a peice ( one polyp vs 5+ polyps), more from the top or side of acropora.

3- Also what you use to glue your corals down with? super glue gel or 2 part epoxy?

4- Are the t5 bulbs overdriven? or standard ballast?

5- What is your photo period like? How many hours do you run your lights on the coral tanks? Some actinic then daylight?

Thats all for now.


Hi Machado deSousa,
Have not been on here for a long time but what a welcome back. Your setup is absolutely stunning. I am in awe. As previous people have asked please could you post pictures of your actual propagation procedures.
What an absolutely outstanding thread. I have spent most of the evening with the wife lookin at this thread in pure amazemant and jealousy. I can only dream to have a fraction of the beautiful corals you have.
Hi Machado
You have perform a nice Acro frag tank and also green peace mind.All the system look pro and very neat , sweet;)

Could you tell us , what brand of synthetic sea salt do you use and also the photosynthetic period of each tank. ( I mean how long you switch on the light maybe some guy has already asked )

Thank in advance:)
His Photo Period was....

"10% of the lighting is lit for 12 hours. Remaining lamps are lit for 8 hours. The cycle begins at 21h up to 9h of the day after. "
Hello friends,
I apologize for delay to respond to your kind comments and pertinent questions.
I've been installing pumps, making drainage, fixtures, frag plugs, and so on, to prepar the second day-care tank to run and only now I have some actualizations to the thread. Answering to one of the Ding2daDong questions, I leave you with a picture description of how i make Aragocret as well as my frag plugs.

In my existing Day-care tank I have reef plugs like this i made with Aragocret

This is the PVC mould i use to make them

Side view of the mould
Plastic over the table to prevent frag plugs to adhere to the table and to keep it clean

I make the Aragocret mixing reef sand (CaribeSea) I have in this tank

close up of the reef sand

with Florida Crushed Coral (CareabeSea)
Love it :-)

Is Thorite a special reef safe cement or can you use other types?

Are your flower tubes still clean? Mine is getting some algae and cyano growth.
Wow, I love your details and step by step examples when you are explaining how you do things!
One thing I'm curious about is the curing process of your disks. Unless I missed it:
1. how long do you let it sit till you take the next step?
2. You were just kidding about the "oven" thing? or do you really cure it in an oven?
3. Do you soak it in water and vinegar?
Thanks again for your contributions to RC!
This is the most amazing setup I've ever seen... It makes my frag tank ideas seem so little compared to that setup...
Man that is amazing! a dream of mine and probably everyone who just saw those pics.....I'm just now thinking about getting a 20 long or a 33 breeder.....
amazing set up!

What materials are you using for the stands? Obviously metal with some kind of coating. It looks awesome. I want to replicate it for a future fish room.
Ding2daDong, soon I will post the passage of corals to the day-care tank.
I use epoxy two components and thorite to fix corals.
T5 ballasts i use are standards.
About photo period, as Katchupoy said, "10% of the lighting is lit for 12 hours. Remaining lamps are lit for 8 hours. The cycle begins at 21h up to 9h of the day after." I use this cycle because in Portugal electricity is cheaper at the night period.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11876856#post11876856 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fatrip
dont want to let this thread fall to low. any new updates machado???

Fatrip, thank you very much for your interest and sympathy!:)