Coral Maternity in Portugal

looks awesome, I love the rows and rows of frags!!

Is there anyway i can get the full size pic of this one?

My wife looked at these pictures and said "can you get color like that??" and followed it with "I would love for your tank to look that colorful!!"... Stupified, I said, "I'll get right on it!!"....
Re: Coral Maternity in Portugal

by Machado deSousa
My name is Machado de Sousa from Lisbon, Portugal


Maternity: 1.80x0.90x0.40m = 650 L
Nursery: 1.80x0.90x0.27m = 440 L
Day-care center: 3 tanks with 1.50 x 1,00 x 0.50m = 2.250L (Only one is functioning. The others are in assembling phase)

Total tanks: 3,300 L

SUMP (3 compart.)
1.05x0.70x0.50m (to skimmer+Eco-Cooler) - 370 L
1.16x1.45x0.50m (mangue+Live Rock+Skimmer) - 840 L
0.78x1.30x1.50m ( DSB/filter with algea+return pumps) - 507 L

Total sump: 1,700 L

Total rude volume (Tanques+sump): 5,000 L

Machado, could you or someone please do me the honor of translating those amounts into gallons please?? In addition, could you please explain the differences between the "Maternity", "Nursery", and "Day Care Center", if you are referring to the tanks??
I'm sorry for delaying to answer your kind posts. Tonight i'm gonna try to post more pics and go on answering your questions.

Thanks for your patience,

Machado de Sousa
Wow. Now I remember why I always like being in this subforum. You don't get to see that kind of pictures very often.

And can you explain more from the term "one polyp"? Do you just frag the tip of a sps? Or just a piece containing 1 polyp extension?
Re: Re: Coral Maternity in Portugal

Re: Re: Coral Maternity in Portugal

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10857708#post10857708 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mr James
Machado, could you or someone please do me the honor of translating those amounts into gallons please??
Just divide by 4, or 3.96 if you're really anal. :)
Amazing setup! That must have taken a LOT of work to get to that point. Congratulations on your success.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10844364#post10844364 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ecrasez

What a piece of coral garden. Congratulatios. You are a professional coral propagator. ¿How many coral frags in your system?

This are the only ATI Tubes I use:


I Combine:
Maternity - 60% Blue Special with 40 % Blue Plus (to enhance coral growing)
Nursery - 50% Blue Special with 40 % Blue Plus
Day Care - 50% Blue Special with 40 % Blue Plus


Machado de Sousa
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10850468#post10850468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Avalanche Wolf
That is truly amazing setup and blows away anything i have seen on this site before. It sounds like you are a true scholar in the work of coral prop and with efforts like you have make do nothing but help keep the natural reefs where they belong.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10850766#post10850766 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yellowslayer13
I think it is freekin great, that many less corals that need to be ripped from our oceans

Tank you for your kind words.

That is true, this is a god way to avoid over colecting corals from theyre natural habitats to tsustain the aquarium hobbies.


Machado de Sousa
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10851119#post10851119 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mr James
Lots of great color. Equipment and tanks look very interesting. Would love to know more about the system.

Hello Mr James!

Thanks for your words.

What do you want to know about the system?

I gladly awnser to all questions.


Machado de Sousa
what are monthly costs of running a system like that. how long has it been running, what are some problems you encounter?

Please show pics of your display tank, that thing looks awesome as well.

Please show from start to finish how you frag your corals. Are the flower plugs filled w/ cement or any filler?

lots of questions, i think everyone is in awwe right now.