Hell Oh Axe (Machado) de Sousa,
Congratulations for your propagation system, its definitely a blast on this small country (Portugal).
Your post is receiving the proper attention (like Pestana's did -
http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1095596&perpage=25&pagenumber=1) - in THIS giant reef community.
Your previous aquarium was already a master piece, but this one is out of this world.
I've seen it live, every time I see it I feel like a fish, surrounded by colorful corals and waving water.
What is the next step ? Can you post more pictures ? Do you use natural water ?
I never asked you this, but, you don't have a DSB (you got algae’s on it, right ?), what are the advantages and disadvantages of it ?
Where did you get those colorful frags ? Do all those frags came from that journey to Germany ?
Take care