Hi friends!
During the time I was absent from this forum something changed in my Coral Maternity and there were events that I would like to share with you.
I mention some changes, just to name a few:
1 - The stairs of eggcrate in Daycare tanks was removed.
2 - I removed also the coral gravel substrate in all tanks (now all the tanks are bare bottom).
3 - The plasma lighting over the maternity tank (tank with mother colonies) was removed and I returned to T5.
4 - The Nursery Tank is now illuminated with t5 together with a LED pendant.
5 - I installed a heat exchanger in the system because the water temperature had a variation about 4 degrees Celcius up and down between daytime and nighttime.
6 "“ I installed a Profilux to control the supply of CO2 into the Calcium reactor, heating and cooling the water.
7 - I set up an SMS-Module connected to the Profilux to be alerted in case of a power failure or system fault.
8 - The calcium, carbonates and magnesium was supplied to the system through two Deltec calcium reactors: PF 1360 and PF 1001 filled with 100kg and 34 kg of midia each, respectively. The largest reactor was damaged by the fall of a ladder and is out of service for long ago. Currently the PF 1001 is running and I compensate the consumptions in the system reinforcing the outputs of the Balling Light.
About problems, and just to name one, I gonna share with you an event that could have had very serious consequences:
I've been a bit busy with work and because my residence is distant 25 Km from my Maternity, I started to go there every other day for maintenance.
4 months ago, with no apparent reason, the electricity of my facilities was down for 21 hours! (I could observe in the analog clocks) and the SMS-Module associated to the Profilux didn't send me a message advising me the power failure (the SIM card inside my SMS-Module was dammaged).
As a result all the fish and invertebrates I had in the Maternity Tank (the tank with the mother-colonies) died. All fish in the other tanks just survived.
About corals there were no deaths in all tanks, even in the Maternity Tank (the tank where all the fish and invertebrates died). In this tank I only noted that 10% of my Acropora formosa blue died. On subsequent days this Acropora began to lose some tissue but I cut the affected branches and the colony has recovered.
I await for your questions.