Coral mounting group buy.

According to my list looks like we have 15 tubes not paid for, but Its hard matching Forum handles to real names. FAOIS is closed today so I should get the updated payment list tomorrow but looks like we should be good to go
OK 110 tubes paid for so we are officially shutting it down. Order will be placed and we will get an eta very soon
I didn't want to PM Him so everyone could see the answer and hopefully help educate more than just me but I'll do that
I didn't want to PM Him so everyone could see the answer and hopefully help educate more than just me but I'll do that
From a business standpoint it makes more sense to not have a bunch of people posting on the main page with a bunch of random questions. Just copy and paste his response and post it here.

I might have been drinking the purple coolaide too long, it may completely be a placebo effect, but IMO the ice just works better, I don't have any scientific evidence to back it up. The gel just seems to apply much better then the dollar store super glue. IMO the gorilla glue super glue gel (the cyanoacrylate version) applies the best, but it doesn't seem to hold for crap under water. The IC gel also seems to hold better or longer then the dollar store super glue. I personally like a big tube with extra tips versus opening a new tiny tube I get 2 frag mounts out of before I have to open a new tube. Now by no means would I ever be in a store and see IC gel and say "oh man I gotta have that for $9.99" no, that's why I have used the dollar store glue. But at the group buy price you are breaking even with the dollar store glue. Again, it could be a placebo, I could be off my rocker, but that's just my $0.02 on the IC gel vs dollar store. But everyone tends to like a certain product or another in this hobby.
Totally didn't mean to come off as a douch in this post either.
"The first thing that pops out at me is the product pictured (I sent him a picture)and the BSI of the group buy is of similar price. If 4 grams (2 x 2g tubes) = $1 then to get the same amount offered in the BSI tube you would need to purchase 5 packages (20g total) for a total of $5 or $0.25 per gram. In the group buy the BSI is $4 for 20 grams or $0.20 per gram. So volume wise BSI is marginally the "better" economic buy when a group buy is achieved."

Seems to be more economic than function from this response.
"The first thing that pops out at me is the product pictured (I sent him a picture)and the BSI of the group buy is of similar price. If 4 grams (2 x 2g tubes) = $1 then to get the same amount offered in the BSI tube you would need to purchase 5 packages (20g total) for a total of $5 or $0.25 per gram. In the group buy the BSI is $4 for 20 grams or $0.20 per gram. So volume wise BSI is marginally the "better" economic buy when a group buy is achieved."

Seems to be more economic than function from this response.
Like I said, could completely be a placebo, I just like the way it works better then the dollar store stuff. Whether it just feels better in a bigger tube or what. But define at the group buy price i think its a better option. Again I won't pay full retail for it, and if i run out again I will use the dollar store stuff until there is another group buy.