Coral quarantine y/n?

Fishie Nut

Premium Member
I just purchased some SPS from ReeferMadness. It will be delivered at the end of the week.

Is it necessary to quarantine it? Dip it? Medicate it?
If so, what is the procedure for dipping and/or medicating and/or quarantining.

I'm a newbie here, I have one or two SPS that I've had for a while, so PLEASE HELP. I REALLY NEED the wright answer here. I'd rather do the right thing than the easy thing.

it is ALWAYS best to qt. get a 10 gal tank with about 20 watts of light and qt them for at least 3 weeks after you dip with TMPCC or something similar. inspect the corals throughout the qt time. Dont be like me and get red bugs and monti nudis because you didnt.
Ive got lots of little fuzzy white reasons called monti nudis. dips wont kill the eggs and arent 100% effective IMO in killing the nudis. qt gives you a chance to observe the corals before putting them into the display where you will have a big problem getting those pests out
poknsnok - AMEN! we should all QT but many of us don't. i will be from now on.

secrest - too many nasties you can pick up and not even know about it till you infect your whole tank
