.....WOW just WOW.
Tom can you PM me your Email/phone as Andy has asked me if I can get it for him.....I just had a great IPhone video call with Andy and his family. It was great to see and talk to him as well as get a personal tour of his tank.....WOW just WOW.
Thank you Alex. This year end has been a busy one for me so I haven't been posting as much. If our thread has inspired you to 'dive in' a bit deeper we are pleased to have you join our community. I have been looking forward to posting more progress and accompanying observations following my learning curve. Stay tuned for a sizeable update on lighting. I am very excited about the path we have been following. Hopefully it will be helpful to this community as well.Yay! I just got done reading all of your thread, which I started immediately after reading all of Ching's thread. I am a lurker, I've been reading threads here for a few months both these last two threads have made me really want to speak up and be more a part of the community. Thank you so much to both of you for the way you have handled your threads, they kept me coming back for more.
I posted this on his thread too but I feel like I am slowly earning my PhD in Reef Keeping from your threads. There is so much to absorb I feel like I need to reread both threads again!
In any case, I want to thank you, Mr Wilson, Dave M, Brothers Grimm, and all the other helpers of your project. You all are very inspiring. I am going to be saving so I can upgrade this year to a 125g, which will be huge compared to my 29gal.I will be using this thread and your great example to help me along the way.
Thanks again for sharing, I am very grateful to the whole community for having this information out there for a newbie like me.
Peter has all this info on his web site. Here is the latest data that he gave me on his lighting.swissgaurd said:how long do you leave your lights on
hi peter maybe i missed this somewhere.
question on your LED lighting
how long do you leave your lights on
Peter has all this info on his web site. Here is the latest data that he gave me on his lighting.
Note, however, that he is in the process of replacing all the metal halides with Orphek LEDs. This process will be completed by Mr.Wilson in the very near future.
over 5kW of power just in lighting! That's awesome!
Would you like me to set up a laser over there as well? I have extensive knowledge in this field.
Are you not worried that you will not have the growth or integrity when full LED? Myself and many others who have totally switched away from T5 and/or MH have experienced major downfalls. I know that you have majority LED now but there are still MH present. Perhaps you can prove otherwise!
Always a pleasure!
Thanks ever so much Dave. We do have the lights and we are in the process of testing them now. They are considerably more elaborate so we are taking our time. The initial impressions are very positive. The PAR, LUX, UV and coverage are as as good or better than what we have now and that is with the additional colours of red, blue, UV and now the ability to dim. We are still fiddling with the capabilities as these are brand new and the documentation is terrible but that seems to be par for this industry. My advice to Orphek is that they just may have an excellent product representing a best practice for this hobby but without better documentation they are going to have great difficulty convincing people like me. Having said that (I don't want to minimize how important it is) I am very very impressed with what we have seen so far. The product is well built and I believe very well suited to our needs as Marine Aquarists. I will be taking pictures when we put them up but I am very excited to see the real testament to the quality of the lights in the resulting coral growth and colour in our tank.
I have been somewhat absent from the thread NOT from lack of interest or passion for the hobby but from the seasonal activities and most recently a bout of food poisoning that was very severe. I am OK but I haven't spent much time on the keyboard. I have however been engaged in one activity or another in the fish room and tank so lots to report on and update as my time allows. I am going golfing next weekend in Orlando so Mr. Wilson is minding the tank while I'm away. I took about 2 hours of 1080P video with the GoPro camera (Highly Recommended) but its still too shaky to post so I need a bit more practice.
Recently I had to sign a non disclosure for a film crew that was here to film the tank as a backdrop for a program I can't talk about but I can tell you that the camera crew that took the pictures produced a product that was absolutely awesome in terms of quality.....and that was just looking at the raw footage without any post processing. At least now I know its possible and I'm tempted to bring the crew back to do a shoot just for us.....will see in a few weeks.
The tank its self is in fantastic shape and the growth and colour of the coral is fabulous. I will try and get an update soon so please forgive the tardiness.
May I venture a guess? Was it Brett and the gang from ATL (tanked)? Part of season 2?
nope....but that's good Rob, that would have been my guess too.