Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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I've been quietly following Chingchai's build thread for quite some time now and always been amazed at the care and time he has taken through out his build to personally reply to each and every post made in his thread. I applaude you as well for following in his footsteps in this regard for taking the time to do the same thing. It was through Chingchai's post saying that he has been watching a friends build thread that I found yours Peter and for that I thank Chingchai. If it wasn't for that post I may have missed out on being able to read one of the best and biggest build threads for a local reefer I've ever come across. As it has been said many times before...Simply Amazing. From articles written in local newspapers like the Toronto Star, Hamilton Spectator and a handfull of others I was under the belief that the Ripley's Believe it or not Aquarium was going to be built at the base of the CN Tower, I'm glad to see that the new location has been moved to
Now it's even closer to Hamilton.
Thanks for sharing your top notch setup with the reefing community of the world.:thumbsup:

Thanks for the support and the observation. My wife will confirm that Ripley's has NOT set up shop here........There's not enough Room with Monty Python living in the Basement!!!!

Incredible build Peter!
Your thread has made me realize there are a lot of reef keepers in our area on this site.
I hope you belong to a local club and that one day you could host a meeting.
Looking forward to seeing some of the fishroom pics.


Thanks Nick, I suspect that there will come a time for sharing the results of all this effort and it sounds like you would be in 'the neighbourhood'. For the time being Reef Central is my only home but I suspect there will be a local relationship that is in my future at some point.

Continued great job Peter, the shot of the tank with the chestnut floring is stunning. It looks like all of the work is top notch, and it is a pleasure to see that some are still willing to pay for quality work. I build furniture on the side and am constantly asked questions about why someone would pay so much for something when they can just go to walmart for a tenth of the price. They don't understand that they are paying for a piece of the creator, and that level of workmanship comes from the heart, not the desire for a paycheck! Can't wait for the next set of pictures!
Continued great job Peter, the shot of the tank with the chestnut flooring is stunning. It looks like all of the work is top notch, and it is a pleasure to see that some are still willing to pay for quality work. I build furniture on the side and am constantly asked questions about why someone would pay so much for something when they can just go to walmart for a tenth of the price. They don't understand that they are paying for a piece of the creator, and that level of workmanship comes from the heart, not the desire for a paycheck! Can't wait for the next set of pictures!

Thanks muttley, you are right on every count. This applies equally to what we do with our hobby. Managing an aquarium of any size is like learning a craft and in many ways demands even more from the crafter because you have to be part artist, part scientist and part hard labourer to get the job done. More often than not much of the hard work and success is only understood by a fellow Aquarian but fully appreciated nonetheless.

The difference of true quality within the crafting community will most often be found in attitude long before we start talking bank account size. Chingchai understands this well and ironically if he and I do anything for the membership here it will be to prove that very point. Attitude and standards count far more than money when it comes to results and satisfaction. 5gal, 500gal, 5,000gal.......have pride and be the best you can possibly be within your means . Your fish will thank you for it............

Very interesting build Peter, being the geek I am i'm more interested in the hardware that will run the setup.

Best of luck

peter the hardwood floor is stunning.
that picture belongs in a magazine.
im in the process of redoing my basement.
not quite as large as yours,but ive thought of installing hardwood floor as well.
is your hardwood special for basements.


Vic, here is a better shot (sort of) of the layers. There's groves in the concrete then a sort of rubber mat with ball bearings (not really ball bearings but it looks like it),then plywood, then another rubber mat and then the chestnut....... the design is such that the threat of any water....salty or otherwise NEVER sees the flooring.


and the red wire is foor the radiant heat which is only under the marble.........

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Very interesting build Peter, being the geek I am i'm more interested in the hardware that will run the setup.

Best of luck


The chapter on the fish room is coming up so stay tuned. Again the design calls for as many display features in the fish room as the main display tank itself.

Thanks for the support and the observation. My wife will confirm that Ripley's has NOT set up shop here........There's not enough Room with Monty Python living in the Basement!!!!


Then who is in my basement, are there two of them?
Peter, this build is truly inspiring. I started almost a year ago with my 20 gallon and boy am I paying for not doing my research. Although my tank is a mess I still love this hobby and I am actually in the process of putting together a 90 gal. Just to let you know I am using your advice and taking your lead on being disciplined and patient with everything. Thanks again for sharing not only your tank build but also your home with us. It is all truly beautiful.
Peter, as you have leaked out, your back ground is "electric" and reviewing your 400 amp panel upgrade, plus all the other details you have put in to this incredible build.

I would like to know what you have implemented as far as safety from electrocution. I'm a bit of an outspoken advocate on this subject as it seams to be a very over looked aspect in this hobby, how so many reefers are out there taking a tank full of saltwater and filling it full of 120V devises with only a 15 amp breaker between them and a ground fault.

Sorry if this is off track, but so far it does look like you have all bases covered.

Yes and if they get wet they multiply!!!

funny i thought that was only gremlins. when set up my first tank i wanted to get gizmo for a helper. then i watched the rest of the movie, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:idea::hammer:
Peter, as you have leaked out, your back ground is "electric" and reviewing your 400 amp panel upgrade, plus all the other details you have put in to this incredible build.

I would like to know what you have implemented as far as safety from electrocution. I'm a bit of an outspoken advocate on this subject as it seams to be a very over looked aspect in this hobby, how so many reefers are out there taking a tank full of saltwater and filling it full of 120V devises with only a 15 amp breaker between them and a ground fault.

Sorry if this is off track, but so far it does look like you have all bases covered.


Ken... I think he said eclectic!
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