Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Peter. I can't wait to see the updated pictures.
You are so lucky to have the best people to work with your tank.
P.S. I am saving my money to see your tank in person.
All the best.

Chingchai, thank you very much. You will always be welcome to my door. I would not have undertaken this project had it not been for your willingness to share your phenomenal plans, demonstrating patience, perseverance without compromise and sound best practices for our hobby. We are all indebted to you for your grace and openess to include all levels of experience in your journey. If I am successful in my quest you can certainly claim a significant credit in the positive outcome.

You are welcome any time my friend. I hope to see your tank and beautiful country when things have settled down.

No, it's "Abyzz 420 Eco". The motor is manufactured by Venotech and the Pump is distributed by korallenwelt who have some level of involvement in it's design and production.

Peter can post some pics & the specs, as my laptop is still out of commission.

How's your German? :)

very impressive specs, except for the cost, 2K!?! :lol:

"The Triton 420 eco is a new pump from the Schunk Groupe; a large company headquartered in Germany that specializes in namely automotive industries among others. The Triton 420 eco pump looks very similar to the the Royal Exclusiv Red Dragon pumps that we have seen before but this pump is not in fact the same. The Triton 420 eco pump is a DC controllable pump that will push water up to 21,000 lph (5,547 GPH) up to a max head height of 35 feet via its optional controller module (pictured below). One of the selling points of the pump is the low power consumption and low noise levels this pump produces. Inside you'll find ceramic bearings that will give you years of good use without having to worry about them wearing out with most pumps on the market. The module offers features like "œsoft start", dry run protection, and over heating protection in addition to acoustic alarms. You're probably wondering what type of retail pricing this sleek pump carries and you had better sit down now if you aren't already"¦this pump is around 1500 euros ($1978) which will sincerely reduce its market penetration and produce shocks of awe as you no doubt just experienced. Got flow? We got more shots of the pump along with the optional controller below right after the break."
Hi Peter, we need picturesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
BTW. where did you get the pump "Abyzz 420 eco" anywhere in US. thanks

Best regard,

Peter and the crew.. I know you all are going to be taking a look at some ways to aqua-scape, epoxy, and place corals, so when I stumbled across this video I instantly thought about posting it here. Hopefully the link works and maybe its a new way that has been examined yet. Good luck. ... tube_gdata

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Touchscreen right across from the tank and we are getting the WLAN/LAN feature for the Profilux 3 controller.

I would not bother to get the WLAN feature for the Profilux 3 at the moment.

All of the new web management features use the web server of the standard LAN interface (cabled). The WLAN is only useful to manage the device from the Profilux control software, it cannot be used for iPhone/iPAD management for the P3 web site.

I have a P3 Ex with a WLAN card that I had from my PII upgrade, and the WLAN card is basically useless. The P3 it's self is great, the control is excellent as is the ability to monitor it from an iPhone or iPAD.

I have been told that there will be an upgrade for the WLAN module (not sure if this is replacement hardware or firmware), but until then, dont bother with the WLAN interface.
I would not bother to get the WLAN feature for the Profilux 3 at the moment.

All of the new web management features use the web server of the standard LAN interface (cabled). The WLAN is only useful to manage the device from the Profilux control software, it cannot be used for iPhone/iPAD management for the P3 web site.

I have a P3 Ex with a WLAN card that I had from my PII upgrade, and the WLAN card is basically useless. The P3 it's self is great, the control is excellent as is the ability to monitor it from an iPhone or iPAD.

I have been told that there will be an upgrade for the WLAN module (not sure if this is replacement hardware or firmware), but until then, dont bother with the WLAN interface.

Thank you for the information, we will certainly make use of your experience. It is encouraging that you like the technology. This is turning out to be a complex environment and good controllers will make a difference I think in the management of a healthy ecosystem.

Hi Peter, we need picturesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
BTW. where did you get the pump "Abyzz 420 eco" anywhere in US. thanks

Best regard,


We went to the source in Europe. I am not sure if there is a distributer in the US. Mr. Wilson might be better informed. Sammy you really have to change your handle...........:bigeyes:

We are using "regular" aragonite sand for the DSB in the overflows. I think it would become anoxic (free of oxygen) if you used sugar-fine sand. We will be using perforated pipes in the sand to provide passive water exchange, access for testing dissolved oxygen etc., and possibly adding a carbon source.
I thought the point of a DSB was to have an anoxic zone. Isn't that what the "D" is for?

Can you explain the perforated pipes? Are they used as normal drains, or are they just holes in the sand?
Thank you sir!!!!

By the way are you really living in Bolivia????? If so I believe you are the only Bolivian member of this community if not the forum.


Looking at moving family from Bolivia, after moving there with them a few years back. Great in some respects but not so great in others. { still ascertaining where to move to }
But I travel back and forth to Canada quite often.
I am the Dragonslayer in Court against the B.C. Government in expropriating Mines without compensation { kinda makes me "persona non grata" there } They did not expect me to win in Court{s}
Sweet Baby Jesus!! That was one awesome read.
Mr Nineball Sir.. This is undoubtedly the most well documented build ever. Your attention to detail and the patience with which you execute your plans are simply out of this world. This has seriously been one of the best reads ever. I was so hooked i actually finished all 144 pages in one sitting. There is a wealth of advice in here thanks to contributors like Mr Wilson (who must the most knowledgeable man on earth), The Capn and many others. The most refreshing thing is how everyone (for the most part) is getting along and expressing their views without letting egos or the like get in the way. I have to add that for a man in your position, your humility is...i can't find the right word but i'm sure you get my drift. I can't wait for the next update and i have no doubt in my mind that this tank is going to be legendary.

ps: Your home is stunning and your cars ain's too shabby either.
pps: Chingcai.... Your tank is UNREAL!!!
ppps: Mr Wilson, if you ever do write a book, and i sincerely hope you do, i'll definitely buy it.
Sweet Baby Jesus!! That was one awesome read.
Mr Nineball Sir.. This is undoubtedly the most well documented build ever. Your attention to detail and the patience with which you execute your plans are simply out of this world. This has seriously been one of the best reads ever. I was so hooked i actually finished all 144 pages in one sitting. There is a wealth of advice in here thanks to contributors like Mr Wilson (who must the most knowledgeable man on earth), The Capn and many others. The most refreshing thing is how everyone (for the most part) is getting along and expressing their views without letting egos or the like get in the way. I have to add that for a man in your position, your humility is...i can't find the right word but i'm sure you get my drift. I can't wait for the next update and i have no doubt in my mind that this tank is going to be legendary.

ps: Your home is stunning and your cars ain's too shabby either.
pps: Chingcai.... Your tank is UNREAL!!!
ppps: Mr Wilson, if you ever do write a book, and i sincerely hope you do, i'll definitely buy it.

I never know how to respond to genuine expressions of support like your post but I can tell you it is sincerely appreciated and acknowledged. I do know that the community that makes up this thread is in many ways directly responsibility for the quality of this build. There have been a number of occasions where someone took the time to give advice or ask a question that gave me an idea to incorporate into the build. This effort continues to be a hallmark of the positive culture that has emerged and I am both humbled and proud of the folks who have joined this journey.

Thank you.....
Welcome to the group

Sweet Baby Jesus!! That was one awesome read.
Mr Nineball Sir.. This is undoubtedly the most well documented build ever. Your attention to detail and the patience with which you execute your plans are simply out of this world. This has seriously been one of the best reads ever. I was so hooked i actually finished all 144 pages in one sitting. There is a wealth of advice in here thanks to contributors like Mr Wilson (who must the most knowledgeable man on earth), The Capn and many others. The most refreshing thing is how everyone (for the most part) is getting along and expressing their views without letting egos or the like get in the way. I have to add that for a man in your position, your humility is...i can't find the right word but i'm sure you get my drift. I can't wait for the next update and i have no doubt in my mind that this tank is going to be legendary.

ps: Your home is stunning and your cars ain's too shabby either.
pps: Chingcai.... Your tank is UNREAL!!!
ppps: Mr Wilson, if you ever do write a book, and i sincerely hope you do, i'll definitely buy it.

Instead of repeat it all again, I just say +1!
WOW from Sweden!

Instead of repeat it all again, I just say +1!
WOW from Sweden!


Thank you very much Henrik. I am continually amazed on just how effective this medium is at bringing people from all different countries together as if this were just one reef for all of us. A warm welcome to the man from Sweden Henrik, welcome to our group. The project is about to take off again with a fairly major update on the progress so hang in there. There's lots more to come.........:dance:

Thank you for sharing

Thank you for sharing

This is probably going to sound similar to a lot of the "thanks" you've already received, but I have to say it anyway!

Thank you for spending the time in front of your computer to share this inspiring build with other enthusiasts. I know the project alone could consume your every waking hour and yet you find the time to respond to almost every post.

The magnitude and caliber of your project sets it into a very elite and exclusive realm, clearly. What makes it one of a kind, is that you are sharing every detail and even consulting with us here in real time. The vast majority of projects of this nature (and there are only a handful) are never shared with the public, even when the owner is a hobbyist.

I believe this project will also establish new trends and ideas within the community of reefers and that, to me, is the most amazing aspect. I can already see the inclusion of the fish room in the overall experience becoming a new standard for other high end projects. Your build will leave its mark on reef keeping and that must make everyone involved feel great -- especially you.


I thought the point of a DSB was to have an anoxic zone. Isn't that what the "D" is for?

Can you explain the perforated pipes? Are they used as normal drains, or are they just holes in the sand?

Since noone has responded in 24 hours (a rarity for this thread), allow me to add a little meat to the above bones. :lol2:

The oxygenated portion of a DSB (usually the top 2 inches or so), or the entire portion of a shallow sand bed, has bacteria which convert waste to ammonia, then to nitrite, then to nitrate. If nothing else is done the nitrate builds up, and eventually becomes toxic to the fish. Fortunately it takes a great deal of nitrates before this happens, but it will get there. With the DSB, the deeper, anoxic layer harbors bacteria that convert the nitrates to nitrogen gas, which then harmlessly bubbles out of the water.

If you oxygenate the entire DSB, such as through the perforated pipes, for example, you end up with a glorified undergravel filter, which was what everyone was trying to avoid in the first place by putting in the DSB.

I strongly suspect that Peter and Mr. Wilson already know all this (as evidenced by the early removal of bioballs (a.k.a. nitrate factory) which accomplish the same purpose as an oxygenated sandbed, albeit with less surface area), which begs the question as to what other purpose is being accomplished. I, for one, am curious to know.
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This is probably going to sound similar to a lot of the "thanks" you've already received, but I have to say it anyway!

Thank you for spending the time in front of your computer to share this inspiring build with other enthusiasts. I know the project alone could consume your every waking hour and yet you find the time to respond to almost every post.

The magnitude and caliber of your project sets it into a very elite and exclusive realm, clearly. What makes it one of a kind, is that you are sharing every detail and even consulting with us here in real time. The vast majority of projects of this nature (and there are only a handful) are never shared with the public, even when the owner is a hobbyist.

I believe this project will also establish new trends and ideas within the community of reefers and that, to me, is the most amazing aspect. I can already see the inclusion of the fish room in the overall experience becoming a new standard for other high end projects. Your build will leave its mark on reef keeping and that must make everyone involved feel great -- especially you.



Andrew I am most gratified by your observation regarding the fish room and it's relevance to the display tank experience. This build has in no small part been dominated by this design philosophy. I am pleased with the progress I am making in that regard. I suspect that there will be far too many that will want to put this emphasis on having too much money but it really is not. The scale might be over the top but the idea comes from a basic belief that anyone involved in this hobby, even as a spectator, would want to see the entire ecosystem and directly benefit from that exposure.

I thank you very much for your generous praise and I share that gratification with the whole community devoted to this thread.

Maintenance team update

Maintenance team update

To all that are eagerly awaiting in suspense...

We will be bringing one of the Mars Bars (sub aquarium systems) to life. We have cleaned the tanks and tomorrow will begin making a batch of salt water to fill them. Each tank will also be given some sand and a piece of our live rock.

Once we receive our new pumps for the remaining 2 Mars Bars and are able to complete the plumbing we will also bring those 2 systems to life. Our 3 Mars Bars will all serve different purposes;

1. strictly fish
2. coral reef
3. we belive will be used as hospital for any diseased or hurt fish. The Mars Bars give us the ability to isolate one tank within the system from the rest of the tanks. This will be very useful over time.

We will first bring our Fish Mars Bar to life.

Our first set of fish will be added to the tanks for observation during the time that the aquascaping is taking place. This will give us some time to observe our new friends health and personalities, it will also give them a chance to get used to their new surroundings before entering the display tank.

White acrylic egg crate has been purchased (1/2"x1/2"x3/8") and will be fitted to the bottom of the tank. To have it lay flush, the egg crate will have to be retrofitted to avoid any plumbing in the bottom of the tank.

120 bars of Epo Putty have been ordered from Thailand and will be arriving by the end of this upcoming weekend. The aquascaping will likely commence next Monday. We will be creating the aquascaping in three phases.

1. We will fill one third of the tank with salt water and form the bases off all our designs- Our live rock will be puttied to the egg crate to give us added support as some of our designs are delicate. The putty will need 24hrs to dry

2. The tank will be filled to two third's and all of the mid range formations will be added and glue'd together with our putty. all rock will be held firmly together with plastic zip-ties. Again 24hrs of drying will be needed.

3. We will fill the rest of the tank for the final phase. We will piece together all the peaks to our formations. We have ruled against using support rods for the designs. With precise placement, a strong base support, and help from our Epo Putty we should be able to avoid support rods.

Sketches of the design will be posted in the near future.

we will update along side pictures as we move through these next couple weeks.


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