Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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This thread is amazing. I have been following for awhile never said anything. But peter you are doing some amazing things with this setup. One word wow.

CJ, from Plantation Acres (where ever that is) I really appreciate your taking the time to say HI and voice your support. Our community is richer and better off for it. Thank you.

Agree. . . mostly. You'll notice I prefaced my question on budget by specifically asking that dollar amounts not be discussed. While it can be "sexier" to discuss a $5K skimmer versus a $500 skimmer, that's not my point. Rather, I was looking for an indication as to whether costs were running as anticipated, or if like most of us, perhaps a "few" unexpected costs sprang up. I believe the cliche is that misery loves company. It's just nice to know that we all share some common obstacles in our respective drives to obtain the "perfect" aquarium.

I think we all know that if anyone claimed to be on or underbudget with a project of this size, he would lose all integrity in a nano second....

Even though there have been 2,000 posts identical to this one, Ive gotta say, Ive spent the better part of the last 3 days at work reading through this entire thread. Well, just the big and important posts.. Truly an inspiring build, someone else said it best "I hope one day to start my build thread with a picture of a crane."

Extremely excited to see the 'scape, I love the idea of the different grand masters. Some quick questions..
I know you are taking this phase by phase and not thinking too far ahead but, where are you going to be purchasing coral from? Do you think you will start with smaller colonies and let them grow or buy larger pieces to begin with?

Also, I think the rest of the Peter army will agree, once this thing is up and running, you should install some webcams with a live feed to a website so we can all sit and watch your magnificent tank.

If you are still charging a frag for admission, count me in :p!
Best of luck, ill be following intently!

Thank you very much Brian. You may know by now that I do NOT take the spirit,support and encouragement lightly. I think it is because I am proud of this community. I for one can act as a reference for the positive culture that has been active and loyal throughout this build.

The subject of coral has come up for discussion a number of times within my inner cabinet. This is a sensitive subject for me which I might try and explain here. First I am a strong supporter of supporting the local resources involved in this business. But this only extends to suppliers of 'quality' product. So far I have acquired all the infrastructure for this build from local suppliers. I got the tank from ATM in Las Vegas because it was the best product available in the world given my requirements. However the transaction was handled through a local resource. This is true for all the product going into the build so far. The only exception is the EPO Epoxy which I am getting directly from the far east with Chingchai's help because it is not available here in North America.

and now the coral.........there are local coral suppliers who enjoy a loyal following. They obviously supply product that people in this hobby want and they must do it well as there appears to be a fair turnover. I have not seen the size and variety of product that I would like to seed my/our tank with. It has been suggested that a special buy could be arranged but I do not have a great deal of faith that it would come close to the array of product I might access closer to the source. I am seriously thinking of visiting Chingchai and investigating the feasibility of fulfilling my requirements with aqua-farmed product comparable to the coral we have seen pictured in his LFS and in his tank. If on the other hand I can find a local supplier who can match the the quality without compromise then I will be happy to have more time to sit in front of Chingchai's tank and drink fine wines from around the world.

That is a long winded answer to your question that I would prefer a more robust start with larger healthy colonies. This I am sure that you will enjoy over the HD web cams to be installed shortly............

A very tantalizing update Peter. Speaking of wine; I hope and assume you are taking advantage of the tasting room amidst the hooplah that is going on around it (keep Mr. Wilson and the Brothers Grimm away until the bulk of the plumbing/electrical is done, but provide a few bottles during aquascaping for inspiration).

I imagine the wine will taste that much sweeter (or possibly drier?) once being enjoyed in front of a "finished" product.
Hi Peter,

EPO already departed yesterday afternoon. It should take around four day for transshipping.
For Coral and Fish, you may find high-end quality stuff from shop in Europe.
For example,

Speaking of Wine, may I know what brand or variety is your regular drink?
And which one is your most favourite?
Thank you very much Brian. You may know by now that I do NOT take the spirit,support and encouragement lightly. I think it is because I am proud of this community. I for one can act as a reference for the positive culture that has been active and loyal throughout this build.

The subject of coral has come up for discussion a number of times within my inner cabinet. This is a sensitive subject for me which I might try and explain here. First I am a strong supporter of supporting the local resources involved in this business. But this only extends to suppliers of 'quality' product. So far I have acquired all the infrastructure for this build from local suppliers. I got the tank from ATM in Las Vegas because it was the best product available in the world given my requirements. However the transaction was handled through a local resource. This is true for all the product going into the build so far. The only exception is the EPO Epoxy which I am getting directly from the far east with Chingchai's help because it is not available here in North America.

and now the coral.........there are local coral suppliers who enjoy a loyal following. They obviously supply product that people in this hobby want and they must do it well as there appears to be a fair turnover. I have not seen the size and variety of product that I would like to seed my/our tank with. It has been suggested that a special buy could be arranged but I do not have a great deal of faith that it would come close to the array of product I might access closer to the source. I am seriously thinking of visiting Chingchai and investigating the feasibility of fulfilling my requirements with aqua-farmed product comparable to the coral we have seen pictured in his LFS and in his tank. If on the other hand I can find a local supplier who can match the the quality without compromise then I will be happy to have more time to sit in front of Chingchai's tank and drink fine wines from around the world.

That is a long winded answer to your question that I would prefer a more robust start with larger healthy colonies. This I am sure that you will enjoy over the HD web cams to be installed shortly............


Sounds great! I prefer to grow from frags but I can't imagine how many frags and years it would take to fill out this tank. I think if I were you your shoes, I would do the same.
If you are serious about the webcams, I can't tell you how awesome that is. Just goes to show again how much you care about this community, and really believe it is "our" tank. Looking forward to Mondays events with much anticipation. Best of luck!
For Coral and Fish, you may find high-end quality stuff from shop in Europe.
For example,

Wow! That is a serious supplier. Some really great photos and a well designed website. Would you consider the Netherlands to be local Peter? LOL....

As for stocking "our" tank I agree that a group of small frags on a bunch of reef plugs just isn't going to cut it. Not with this crowd. We all know that this tank is headed for TOTM at some point in time and we don't intend to wait 4 years for this stuff to grow out.

Has any consideration been given to the relationship between the 4 masters and stocking of their individual sections? Maybe kind of a regional nod so to speak.....

Here is where the budget might get a "little" hairy. Peter, you will probably end up traveling to select some of your species personally. Eventually as you build some relationships you will be able to "trust" a supplier when he says he has "the most beautiful XYZ and you have got to have it." The last thing that any of us want is inferior representatives in our tank.

Cheers and think of it as an opportunity to sample more of the world out there. Pieces will begin to take on sentimental value as a representative of your trip. Imagine visiting Chingchai and returning with a special species or two. They would probably become a favorite due to who and where you aquired them from.

Have fun.

Hi Peter,

EPO already departed yesterday afternoon. It should take around four day for transshipping.
For Coral and Fish, you may find high-end quality stuff from shop in Europe.
For example,

Speaking of Wine, may I know what brand or variety is your regular drink?
And which one is your most favourite?

Thank you very very much for your help with this Chingchai. You will take great pride I hope in knowing just how much you had a part in helping with the aquascaping.

Excellent reference from the Netherlands.......thank you.

If I had only one wine to take with me on a long journey it would probably be an Australian Shiraz. Having said that, some of the best wine I have had in years has been some of the recent Australian blends. It really is hit or miss and if you find one you like, it rarely if ever is repeated as the blends are a rare combination that is virtually impossible to replicate. I was in Sydney on business a few years ago and had a table wine that I had never heard of. It was cheap at $15.00 a bottle but it remains an outstanding memory that I have never been able to find again. It was a Shiraz Cabernet Merlot and was not an established brand. But it is fun to continue on my quest to see if I can find something similar. Its a lonely quest and somebody has to do it, so it might as well be me!!!!!

To answer your second question my personal favourite would have to be vintage port. Unfortunately there don't appear to be any aquarists from Pôrto Portugal on reef central or they would become my new best friend really fast.

A very tantalizing update Peter. Speaking of wine; I hope and assume you are taking advantage of the tasting room amidst the hooplah that is going on around it (keep Mr. Wilson and the Brothers Grimm away until the bulk of the plumbing/electrical is done, but provide a few bottles during aquascaping for inspiration).

I imagine the wine will taste that much sweeter (or possibly drier?) once being enjoyed in front of a "finished" product.

Bennyfrank, I have not had the window of opportunity to take a deep breath and develop the stocking plan for the wine tasting room yet. It will be a delightful task when I get to it. Until then, It's Barq's root beer.......

Yes we are really blessed with a company like de Jong Marinelife in the Netherlands, always a good supply of nice corals on the local market. If you want to go directly to a source in Indonesia you could contact either or I know that several Dutch en German coral retailers import directly from them.
Regard, Rainier

Those are incredible links Rainier, thank you. The Netherlands increasingly looks like a hot bed of reefing activity with obvious high standards. I'm pretty sure one of the Grand Masters will hail from the Netherlands group of skilled aquarists.

Sounds great! I prefer to grow from frags but I can't imagine how many frags and years it would take to fill out this tank. I think if I were you your shoes, I would do the same.
If you are serious about the webcams, I can't tell you how awesome that is. Just goes to show again how much you care about this community, and really believe it is "our" tank. Looking forward to Mondays events with much anticipation. Best of luck!

Thanks Brian, I have my 'IT' team working on the best solution for delivering HD streams to a selected audience. With a project like this HD is the only way to go even though Chingchai wants me to put 3D cameras in the fish room........I think it will be a while before we are ready for that.

Wow! That is a serious supplier. Some really great photos and a well designed website. Would you consider the Netherlands to be local Peter? LOL....

As for stocking "our" tank I agree that a group of small frags on a bunch of reef plugs just isn't going to cut it. Not with this crowd. We all know that this tank is headed for TOTM at some point in time and we don't intend to wait 4 years for this stuff to grow out.

Has any consideration been given to the relationship between the 4 masters and stocking of their individual sections? Maybe kind of a regional nod so to speak.....

Here is where the budget might get a "little" hairy. Peter, you will probably end up traveling to select some of your species personally. Eventually as you build some relationships you will be able to "trust" a supplier when he says he has "the most beautiful XYZ and you have got to have it." The last thing that any of us want is inferior representatives in our tank.

Cheers and think of it as an opportunity to sample more of the world out there. Pieces will begin to take on sentimental value as a representative of your trip. Imagine visiting Chingchai and returning with a special species or two. They would probably become a favorite due to who and where you aquired them from.

Have fun.


Scott, your notions may not be as far fetched as you think. It had crossed my mind that if I was successful in my plans to install the styles of the Grand Masters in our tank that I would try and organize a world tour through the four Grand Master sites with a final destination in Oakville with time for reflection on the quality of the journey to actually pull this off. Right now however, I am looking forward to meeting with Mr. Wilson who I believe by the sounds emanating from under our display tank has almost completed building a full condominium!!!!

Peter I know we agreed fish first then home theater yet we have spent some time on wine and A/V is has important. Have you experienced the Paradigm Signature S8 a speaker crafted in your dear country. Pair them with the ADP3 surrounds and the C5 center plus the Sub2 and in my humble opinion you have a world class set up.I have listened to much more expensive speakers yet the warmth,clarity and the way they bring a sound track/movie to life is just mind blowing. They truly are in a realm of there own. Still my favorite forum.:D

To create a suite of 4 coral islands in a shallow lagoon. Each island is to be named in recognition of four of the top aquarists generally acknowledged by members of the reef central community. "

peter i really think after all of your hard work, and all of the information in this thread that you should incorporate a section of your own design as well,

this by far is the best start to finish build i have seen, and you should reward yourself as well as us, with a chance to see what you would come up with using your own style for a section.

just my opinion..
Peter I know we agreed fish first then home theater yet we have spent some time on wine and A/V is has important. Have you experienced the Paradigm Signature S8 a speaker crafted in your dear country. Pair them with the ADP3 surrounds and the C5 center plus the Sub2 and in my humble opinion you have a world class set up.I have listened to much more expensive speakers yet the warmth,clarity and the way they bring a sound track/movie to life is just mind blowing. They truly are in a realm of there own. Still my favorite forum.:D

I do know the Paradigm Signature line quite well as the company is a bicycle ride away from where I live. My central nervous system for the theater is made up of the Anthem Statement D2V preamp and the main amplifiers Anthem Statement P5 as well as the P2. The speakers I favour are the same ones that Lucas and Spielberg have for their final edits and were in fact used for the final Star Wars mix into full production. They are
original M&Ks in an 8.4 configuration. The 4 subs are the 350MX line which are an excellent foundation for fantastic theater experience. I do not want to go any further here as it would be a dangerously slippery slope to a hijacking of my own thread and this group would have my hide if I was caught doing anything but stirring saltwater in the main display tank.

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Уважаемый Петр! Это удивило твое проектом достоинства по-прежнему на сайт Ваш сосед может что izvenite ЭА мой английский полезным : волны :
Dear peter! It is surprised yours by the project esteem still the site of your neighbour can that izvenite ЭА my english is useful

To create a suite of 4 coral islands in a shallow lagoon. Each island is to be named in recognition of four of the top aquarists generally acknowledged by members of the reef central community. "

peter i really think after all of your hard work, and all of the information in this thread that you should incorporate a section of your own design as well,

this by far is the best start to finish build i have seen, and you should reward yourself as well as us, with a chance to see what you would come up with using your own style for a section.

just my opinion..

Thank you gmneil. I very much appreciate your encouragement and support. Its not as important to me at this point to design my own style as much as it is to hear from the group that the team here has absolutely captured the four styles of the grand masters with respect and class. My style, truthfully, is probably more likely attributable to the design and implementation of the fish room as a central part of the display experience more than anything else.
So my style then is the incorporation of the fish room into the entire aquarium as a principal part of the ecosystem.

But I do understand what you are saying and I appreciate it very much.

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