Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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on tuesday under water tests there is an entry AH, is that meant to be pH? also there is no mention of alkalinity testing. is that done regularly as well?

how many man hours are there in weekly maintenance?

Why is the salinity in the Sick Tank 1.012? Is this supposed to be a hypo-salinity tank?
Just wondering because if it is that salinity is still too high.
Your Checklists look very thorough and will seem pedantic at times, but if you follow them you will never go wrong. I am in the AirForce and we use checklists all the time. There is always a temptation to think that you know your job so well that you don't always need your checklist, and that will likely be true - most of the time. Of course, the one time you miss something will be the one time that 'it' needs attention so scrupulous use of checklists in complex environments certainly gets my vote!

The value of checklists are very appreciated in my world. It's sort of a safety net for those of us who get easily distracted or in the case of the Bros Grimm its a guarantee that the standards for the bare minimum keep getting raised with the checklist. The reliance on this kind of discipline keeps us alive for the next days enjoyment.........

Why is the salinity in the Sick Tank 1.012? Is this supposed to be a hypo-salinity tank?
Just wondering because if it is that salinity is still too high.

Good observation.....stay tuned for the next chapter on the hospital tank and the ICU environment and process. The tank just arrived and Mr. Wilson will be opening that subject in the very near future.

on tuesday under water tests there is an entry AH, is that meant to be pH? also there is no mention of alkalinity testing. is that done regularly as well?

how many man hours are there in weekly maintenance?


Carl you are right and there is an update coming on the water quality management that should answer all your questions plus some stuff you haven't asked as well.

Wow!!! Amazing as always. My wife is addicted to General Hospital and I....well, I have this site!

It looks like the bros Grimm have their work cut out for them for a long time! But, Peter, there has been many a mention through out this thread regarding a fish room girl including interviews and some sort of ladder test. I think a live feed of the interview process should be in the works! After all this is OUR tank!!!!


A big thanks from the lurking peanut gallery!


Right.......sure thing. Oh yeah, for sure.........

I think you will need to put that big boat in the lake and sail it up to Thunder Bay in the summer to pick me up and sail me back so that I can come see your amazing tank. You can even bring Mr. Wilson along so that he can drive while we "discuss" some fine wine. ;)

If you saw Mr. Wilson near water you would probably opt for a bus pass!!!!

Peter, how is the livestock coming? Any Conspicuous 5 lots in the near future? :lolspin:

We have had very poor luck with the latest batch of fish. I believe we are going to lose more than 50%. The fish were in extremely poor shape when they arrived. They were clearly diseased and sick and should not have been shipped in the first place. So far we have lost 39 cromis out of 40, 10 out of ten Antheas, 2 out of three banner fish and the list goes on. Our handling and procedures I don't think could have been better. I won't say alot more for the moment but I will be raising the subject again down the road for calmer rational discussion.

Why is the salinity in the Sick Tank 1.012? Is this supposed to be a hypo-salinity tank?
Just wondering because if it is that salinity is still too high.

Hyposalinity is a treatment for Cryptocaryon, but it is believed to have a negative impact on Uronema (Red Band disease which is another protozoan). Uronema is far more virulent than Crytocaryon.

We were/are treating prophylactically for Cryptocaryon and Uronema with metronidazole. We are now using neomycin for the secondary bacterial (Vibrio) infection.

Some of the fish were clearly infected on arrival and were showing outward symptoms of Red Band (chromis & anthias). The powder blue tang came in emaciated (he looks like a ghost:(). He has internal parasitic worms (nematodes) so we treated the whole system he is in with praziquantel (dewormer).

The Midas Blennys have some growths on their fins that aren't life threatening, and we lost some of the smaller gobies inexplicably???
Wow...didn't connect for 4 days and already there are 37 new posts...

Thanks to Peter and Mr. Wilson for answering my questions and thanks for the invitation though I'm probably not going to be anywhere near Canada in the foreseeable future...

I am verry sorry to hear about your fish but considering your QT procedures and the care you take for their acclimatation, I am confident you will have much better luck in the future.

Mr. Wilson, you are right on the use of the green lift tube in the Zinn reactor picture. It lifts phytoplancton to the rotifer side of the tank, and because both sides are linked it sends back rotifer-free water (because of the sieve action of the mesh) that has been enriched by the rotifer's waste to the phyto side.

I have never used one myself but all the reports I have read from zinn-reactors users were positive.

I have co-cultured artemia and phyto in the same tank and it was really a trouble-free process. The artemias were getting to adult size quickly and producing live youngs directly. The phyto was "feeding" on the artemias' waste and filtering the tank while the artemias were feeding on the phyto and were gut-loaded at all times. The only tinkering was removing a few extra artemias to feed the fishes if I thought the water was getting too light so that the phyto would have a chance to multiply again.

I had this setup running for about 4 months and never experienced any crash or need to empty and clean the tank. This experience made me a firm believer in the virtues of co-culturing.

This is why I was planning to have 3 zinn reactors in parrallell for my live-food station. One with copepods, one with rotifers, and one with artemias. The 3 tanks would not communicate so that when one crashes the other two are still fine. They would be drip-fed on the phyto side and I envision a syphon tube on the animal side, (like in the geaosapper) so that there would regularly be a surge and some of the animals would be sent to the tank, or the sump or refugium.

I would also probably have a completely separate phyto reactor just to make sure that I would always have a source of phyto whatever happens with the zinn reactors.

Regarding the mysis, I would introduce as many as possible to the refugium and also to the tank in the hope of creating a breeding population that would be more or less self-sustaining and that would give a hand to the tank cleaning crew while providing the fishes with interesting snacks to hunt for.

I would not go out of my way to try and breed them in a food-culturing station like the artemias or rotifers because of all the extra work it seems to involve.

I you wish to however you can always check out this article from Martin Moe about mysis culture in case you didn't see it yet :

Keep up the good work !
[b]"Ya pays your money, ya takes your chances"[/b]

"Ya pays your money, ya takes your chances"

Wow! That's horrible. I hope you spoke with the importer/LFS about some credit.

These guys aren't very good about credits. They guarantee a certain percentage of live arrival, but historically I have never gotten any of the credits that I was promised. I won't be buying from them for a while. The problem with these places is they focus their energy on sales, rather than followthrough and quality control. You are better off dealing with a place with resources focused on good staff packing the orders.

The other problem in dealing with a large LA wholesaler is they are heavily cherry picked, so quality is further diminished with orders that get shipped out.
We have had very poor luck with the latest batch of fish. I believe we are going to lose more than 50%. The fish were in extremely poor shape when they arrived. They were clearly diseased and sick and should not have been shipped in the first place. So far we have lost 39 cromis out of 40, 10 out of ten Antheas, 2 out of three banner fish and the list goes on. Our handling and procedures I don't think could have been better. I won't say alot more for the moment but I will be raising the subject again down the road for calmer rational discussion.


Peter, I'm sorry to hear that. Judging on your dedication and build quality I'm sure your handling and procedures could not have been any better. Hopefully things will work out better the next go around.

Keep us updated.
If i was the importer and had seen this build I would not only issue you a credit . I would just duplicate your order and send it out all over again .Not just in the future buisiness I could possibly recieve from you . The word of mouth from this thread alone . This thread has got to be one of the most popular threads on Reef Central . It would have to be in the Importers best interest to do the thing . The squeaky wheel gets greased .
I have a friend that I visit LA wholesalers with frequently and I think I know where your order came from. Is it bad etiquette to say the name?
I have a friend that I visit LA wholesalers with frequently and I think I know where your order came from. Is it bad etiquette to say the name?

In the context of this thread and this issue yes it's bad form and I'm not about to try and change the positive culture we have all worked hard to establish.

I'm just surprised that a major collection point for the North American market has such poor practice. It's the industry that concerns me. The LFS seem to accept it as just being part of the game and they don't complain because your next order may well be a box of rocks....... There is alot more to be said on this issue but it's 1:00 am and I have a 7 am breakfast mtg so I will pick this subject up later. Again I don't want to get too far into this at the moment because I really believe there is something to say that's positive but we need to take our time and get it right as we all have on most other issues.


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