Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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I didn't know they could be linked that way... Very interesting indeed as I have two CL's in my setup and maybe could leverage that implementation.

Looking forward to Mr.Wilsons thoughts. :)

The Abyzz controller operates up to 8 pumps independent of each other, monitoring RPMs, current draw, temperature, water level, and day & night wave phases. The price is high compared to other popular pumps, but these pumps really don't compare to any other pumps.

Apart from the energy savings, I don't expect to do any servicing of them. The moving parts run cool so calcium does not bind to the titanium like it does with powerheads and external pumps. I took one apart after six month of service and it looked the same as the day I put it in. I expect to see the same thing a few years down the road.
Thanks for the kind words
our mangrove tank is taking off pretty well. I have it plumbed to join the reef display but do not have water flowing between the two as of yet. (Summer project) I have about 30 trees in it right now but hope to add that number again.

also have turtle grass and some macro algae types from Hawaii. It is not an attractive looking tank right now but I think as it fills in it will get there. I took the terra cotta pot idea as homes to many of the mangroves: I intend to train encusting corals to cover the pots over time and the rest of them hidden by the grasses growing in front. I have given pipe fish some serious thought for the tank but am far from settled. The very orginal plan called for no fish at all but the kids are bending me pretty hard LOL


We would love to try Turtle grass, but it's few and far between. I've never even seen it in a Canadian store. let me know if you have a source. Shoots are better because I don't need a phytosanitary certificate and inspection etc. etc. etc.
a jumping fish would be out for me> We don't have lids on anything in my room, no time and really no place to put them when they are off too LOL

pipes, jawfish, mandrian, and cards have all been tossed around at one point or another. I would like the fish choice to also be a breeder project which keeps most of that list pretty much as is.

We have a pair of B. cards in our reef that hold babies just about every month but there seems little hope of catching either of them. I know I could make some sort of parting screen and remove all the rock and coral of a section but I am not going to that level.

We might start again with a small group of cards that are housed in the mangroves and just stay there. A friend of mine has a large group of them and there is free breeding in his tank on a regular basis. (its the only fish on his reef)

I don't know if we mentioned it, but our multibanded pipefish (D. pessuliferus) had eggs on the belly for a few days so we have a pair and they are spawning in the tank. The pair is feeding well on copepods and Peter's mix. None of the fish bother them, and they are fine in the current.

Our pair of mandarins do their dance at night and they are the fattest ones I have ever seen. peter should post some pics if they stay still long enough.
if we compare mangroove and Cheato, which one is better to remove phosphate and nitrate from the water?

Is there any scientific article comparing them?

I am struggling to remove phosphate from my 180g tank since last January. The initiale phosphate value was 1.4 ppm (Hana test kit). My previous Phosphate test kit was giving 0ppm:headwally:. But, after 5 months, I'm still at 0.1ppm and I'm not able to reach 0ppm. I'm using Cheato and Phosphate resine to remove the Phosphate!

Are you using GFO? We are getting zero Po4 with the Salifert and Elos kit. No3 is still at a steady 1-3 which is fine by me, as some inorganic nutrients are needed for LPS and soft corals. Algae growth on the acrylic is minimal and we don't have any nuisance algae on the rocks or sand.

The dry weight of the mangrove leaves or macro algae is a fair way to measure nutrient export. Mangrove leaves are a slow method, but they look nice and add biodiversity as well as a home for all kinds of beneficial bacteria and water polishing invertebrates.

mangroves use magnesium to expel salts from their water, but we haven't had any magnesium depletion issues thus far. I add Seachem magnesium every week or two if it drops below 1350.
hey peter,

i thought i remember reading that you were using kalk. if that is so have you noticed a change in your colors. i posted this question in a seperate thread so i hope you don't mind. i just thought with the diversity of life in your tank you above anybody might be able have noticed this phenomen. that is if there is anything to it at all.

what i am seeing is a change in the hue of my colors. (mostly lps) i know that some people may be thinking bleaching or fading, but we all know that when that happens your corals start looking transparent. this is not the case. the colors are still focused and resolute. they appear to be more of a pastel color now.

i had read this on another reef site when i started noticing a change myself. i appreciate any thoughts and experiences you may have on the topic.

i would also like to tell you that i have learned a great deal over the course of reading this thread. i'm sincerely grateful for your dedication to "best practices" in this hobby, and can assure you that this thread has influenced the planning of my future upgrade.

ps i don't know if any of you watch the history channels series "Swamp People", but some of that takes place im my neck of the woods. just thought i would throw that out there.

thanks again,

your friend in the south

I haven't seen Swamp People yet, but I enjoyed the documentary on Noodling (catching catfish by hand). With a name like Boudreaux, I figured you had to be from Louisiana or Quebec:)

We set up a kalkwasser reactor from Aqua-Medic because everyone has been telling us that our calcium reactor won't be able to keep up. As it urns out, I've been too lazy to order a replacement body for the Schuran CA reactor so I've been manually dosing (calcium, carbonates & magnesium). The display tank gets a weekly set of tests and I dose the next day accordingly. We are using kalkwasser to kill aiptasia every week or two but I took the kalkwasser reactor offline until we need it.

Kalkwasser takes phosphate out of solution as it forms calcium phosphate precipitate. It's a cheap way to maintain calcium and lower phosphates. We are dosing calcium chloride which gives the same results, just a little faster.

SPS colours will fade if calcium drops below 400. I use an acro we got from a local reefer friend to gauge overall reef health. It was purple at first, but now it is much more blue. This reef chemistry calculator takes the guess work out of it, but with good flow, good nutrition, low nutrients, good lighting, and proper water chemistry you have a recipe for success.
The Abyzz controller operates up to 8 pumps independent of each other, monitoring RPMs, current draw, temperature, water level, and day & night wave phases. The price is high compared to other popular pumps, but these pumps really don't compare to any other pumps.

Apart from the energy savings, I don't expect to do any servicing of them. The moving parts run cool so calcium does not bind to the titanium like it does with powerheads and external pumps. I took one apart after six month of service and it looked the same as the day I put it in. I expect to see the same thing a few years down the road.

Mr. Wilson / Nineball
I'm sold. How did you order them? And when are you ordering your's? Toronto isn't that far from Ottawa so maybe we can combine order and go in on shipping? A good friend of mine is in Toronto every week picking up from Pearson...

Because I have an aquarium business, you guys will have to keep it to PMs or emails. I respect RCs rules and don't want Peter's thread or my membership to become in jeopardy. Thanks.
Fading of colors to pastel could also be cause by a potassium deficiency. Especially in Zeovit and other low nutrient systems.
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