Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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More experimentation.......

More experimentation.......

I am learning a new procedure to migrate photos to the thread.....sorry for the occasional missfire. But I'll get it.....

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The Abyzz controller operates up to 8 pumps independent of each other, monitoring RPMs, current draw, temperature, water level, and day & night wave phases. The price is high compared to other popular pumps, but these pumps really don't compare to any other pumps.

Apart from the energy savings, I don't expect to do any servicing of them. The moving parts run cool so calcium does not bind to the titanium like it does with powerheads and external pumps. I took one apart after six month of service and it looked the same as the day I put it in. I expect to see the same thing a few years down the road.

I looked at mine a year down the line and nothing!.
I did dose kalk slurry heavily for a week or so a few months ago and managed to seize one of the pumps. It was caked in deposits, that disappeared quickly with a vinegar bath.

What are the skimmer pumps you are trying?.

This is just crazy!!! Beautiful setup. Every reefer's dream! Also, may I ask why you chose acrylic instead of starfire or regular glass?
Peter, it seems as though you have mastered not only fish keeping but photography as well! Amazing work! I would love to see some pictures of your Mangrove set up and some new fish you have in your quarantine area.

Hydroponic Mangrove Wall Units with Automated Mister

Hydroponic Mangrove Wall Units with Automated Mister

Here are a series of shots of the Mangroves in the fish room as promised.

The two side by side wall units are connected to each other and the display tank sump.

There is a closed system for misting the leaves with RO/DI water held in a 5 gallon pressure tank four times a day for one minute. It works well, hopefully as you can see.

There are 7 interconnected trays each 6 inches high and five inches deep with approx. 4 foot length. All of those measurements together provide for a 3 foot by eight foot miracle mud base footprint. We have approx. 200 plants. We have added cheto to help control nuisance algae which we suspect the plasma light encourages.

We use two plasma lights on the two units.

more later...........




Peter, I'm following your thread daily and you still continue to impress me!
Awesome setup and clean.

I'm currently building a room in my baseman to put my sump and QT tank and I was wondering where to put the outlet, close to the floor or close to the ceiling. As I can see in your room, the outlets are above equipment which makes sens!!!

Thanks for sharing and I'm still planning a trip to Toronto this summer to see your amazing tank if your offer still available! :lol2:
Peter and Mr. Wilson, sorry to the late reply. We are drawing near the end of the year exams and we are in the middle of planning for a marine science summer camp for the primary grade children. (PPG corporation sent us a nice check to help get the camp started)
Anyway, we got the grass from Salty Critter in Vermilion Ohio, I do not think they normally ship live stock, just dry goods. I seem to remember seeing grasses on a couple of other sites but can not seem to find them. I will take time tomorrow to look for those again.
I wholely agree with the value of a diverse mixture whenever possible. My mangrove trees are very similar in size right now but seem to be growing very well. I was not aware of the Mg need of the trees; I will be sure to keep a closer I on that level. I have to dose about twice per month as it is.

I have the latest issue of Coral which focuses on the pipe fish but have not had time to do more than skim through and read the write up on your tank. Those blue stripes caught my eye !

Eventually I would like to add a coral propigation take as study source and maybe a small club income booster. that might make a fine place to breed the cards in without having to worry about chasing fry or them getting eaten
Hookup said:
Can someone ID the wrasse in this photo please? It looks to have similar coloration to an achilles tang...
Arrrgh! In the time it took me to log in Barracuda beat me to the punch. I came up with the same answer: Cirrhilabrus scottorum.

Peter and Mr. Wilson, sorry to the late reply. We are drawing near the end of the year exams and we are in the middle of planning for a marine science summer camp for the primary grade children. (PPG corporation sent us a nice check to help get the camp started)
Anyway, we got the grass from Salty Critter in Vermilion Ohio, I do not think they normally ship live stock, just dry goods. I seem to remember seeing grasses on a couple of other sites but can not seem to find them. I will take time tomorrow to look for those again.
I wholely agree with the value of a diverse mixture whenever possible. My mangrove trees are very similar in size right now but seem to be growing very well. I was not aware of the Mg need of the trees; I will be sure to keep a closer I on that level. I have to dose about twice per month as it is.

I have the latest issue of Coral which focuses on the pipe fish but have not had time to do more than skim through and read the write up on your tank. Those blue stripes caught my eye !

Eventually I would like to add a coral propigation take as study source and maybe a small club income booster. that might make a fine place to breed the cards in without having to worry about chasing fry or them getting eaten

Thanks Dave. The Coral Magazine article is not really about our tank. The pics are really eye candy to get the article read. Charles Delbeek, Mr. Wilson and I got into a general discussion while looking at the tank about the fact that what we were looking at (our tank) would never naturally occur in the wild. The close proximity of animals representing traditional marine environments tens of meters different in depth and in some cases geographies thousands of miles apart, was more a case of license to aquascape akin to landscaping a garden than an honest attempt to replicate natural occurrences in the wild. I do not believe that represents a negative compromise in as much as I enjoy a tailored garden landscape more than a natural untended plot in the woods. The challenges are in fact greater for the eclectic result that an accurate replication of a natural my opinion.

However I do have to mention that I was wowed by Charles's eye for composition in taking the photographs of our reef. We should all be honoured that he took time to visit our 'lagoon' and when you see him at MASNA make sure you tell him just might encourage him to visit again!!!!!!

The wrasse is a "Scotts Fairy Wrasse", C. scottorum

Arrrgh! In the time it took me to log in Barracuda beat me to the punch. I came up with the same answer: Cirrhilabrus scottorum.


Youse guys are good!!!!:bounce2::bounce3::bounce2:

I am sitting here waiting for Mr. Wilson to arrive back from the Toronto Airport with our next batch of fish.........there are some surprises for everyone if Air Canada doesn't spoil the party. The plane landed from LA at around four this afternoon and it is now eight forty pm and still no container. Mr. Wilson is sitting on the group W bench waiting for signs of life from the four Air Canada 'handlers' sitting around an old 1930's style wooden desk waiting for retirement.

I will post progress as it happens.......

Peter, I'm following your thread daily and you still continue to impress me!
Awesome setup and clean.

I'm currently building a room in my baseman to put my sump and QT tank and I was wondering where to put the outlet, close to the floor or close to the ceiling. As I can see in your room, the outlets are above equipment which makes sens!!!

Thanks for sharing and I'm still planning a trip to Toronto this summer to see your amazing tank if your offer still available! :lol2:

As a long term member of this thread you will always be welcome to a tour.....just make sure I get a couple of days notice in the event you can make it.

This is just crazy!!! Beautiful setup. Every reefer's dream! Also, may I ask why you chose acrylic instead of starfire or regular glass?

Apparently 'size' dictated the composition. The original design called for a 30 foot tank, L shaped. 10ft by 20ft, visible from all sides. It was to be manufactured in Las Vegas and shipped overland in one piece. This dictated acrylic and not glass so that was a foregone conclusion.

I looked at mine a year down the line and nothing!.
I did dose kalk slurry heavily for a week or so a few months ago and managed to seize one of the pumps. It was caked in deposits, that disappeared quickly with a vinegar bath.

What are the skimmer pumps you are trying?.


Mo, I am hoping we will get to try an abyzz pump. Mr. Wilson is working on it.

What type substrate do you use in the display tank? Your tank is looking beautiful.

Thanks zaheda. We are using a mixed medium and coarse aragonite. It seems to allow for more healthy reef nutrition for the various lifeforms that propagate naturally in this type of substrate. It is much better than fine sand in my opinion on several levels. Gobies love it, jawfish are in heaven and the shrimp-fish are fat and happy feeding regularly off it.

Thank you for the compliment zaheda.

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